Saturday, March 16, 2013


Here's Isabel in sprite form, and the revised machine pistol with a cyclic rate amplifier that increases the rate of shots per burst, allowing greater control of the recoil, even in it's five round burst fire mode. Should still kick like a mule, and the back stock has programmable settings, because more guns should have computer interfaces in the future.

I'm steadily working on the project. No hentai to show, but things are lookin' pretty sweet. Lots of sprite work, and I've never had to do sprites before until now, but the concept is basically the same. I've been hanging out with a friend a lot. We work on our own projects at the same time, get up at the same time, have times where we chat, and times where we're both intensely focused on our crafts... we just spend all day together! Unfortunately for me, he's not a she. We're going to rock paper scissors to see who gets a sex change.

Also, here's some Gun Porn that I used as the main inspiration for the Cycamp 9mm!


  1. New sprite looks great

  2. Her updated sprite looks amazing

  3. I really like the looks of the battle sprite. Bravo.

  4. Quick question: How much is AD3 going to cost?

    1. 15$, most likely. There will be forms of free to play, similar to AD2.

  5. Suggest updating your Offbeatr project


  6. Good Work! The left Sprite face seem different than the right one tho. :D

  7. Worth 20 or more

  8. Congrats on reaching your goal at offbeatr :D

  9. Sorry but I'm curious, what is the expected release date of AD3? I don't want to pressure you cause I would obviously prefer a polished game than a buggy one. But I'm wondering if the Jan-2014 release date o saw in Offbeatr was accurate or not?

    1. Give or take a few months, yeah.

    2. It really depends on how good... (or bad!) I want to make the game. I don't work on the game like a book, I don't write it from the beginning to the end. I skip around a lot. I choose a lot of things to not put into the game.

      My friend is saying "Hey, there should be battle victory poses like in Final Fantasy 7! They should all do a little dance!"

      Stuff like this sounds like a good idea, but it adds more time to the project. It's a hard question because even though I've planned out how I want the project to go (and I love planning), there's multiple factors that make the question hard to answer.

      Do you want the game to come out earlier? I can make it crappier if you want.

    3. Oh goodness no. I personally would much rather a polished graphically epic game than a shoddy poorly rendered bug-fest. I was just curious on the release date cause I loved AD 1 and 2 but I love sci-fi games a whole lot more hence my eagerness.

      Please take your time with the game, I shall try to contain my excitement till 2014. :)

  10. Congratulations on reaching the funding-goal!

  11. Been a huge fan of yours since AD1. Keep it up man!!

  12. Any new updates coming soon?

  13. Toujours pas d'update :O
