Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August Update

Hi everyone. I've been doing a lot of things to make the game, but oddly the least of which is actually hentai related. 

The first screenshot here is the balance test. So why is a certain famous pig in that screenshot? In this balance test, we test all sorts of things, enemy stats, character stats, weapon stats, general rules, how healing works... It's a balance test. It doesn't need to look pretty. There's a bunch of other people's art I'm using in that screenshot, and it's pretty much only for personal use and will be replaced.

For the most part, balancing is becoming very solid. There are still a few issues, enemies are still not spawning fast enough. What I basically try to do is make the game's rules simple and elegant, and if anything doesn't work so well, I have to add a special rule to balance it. I've been running this with a friend a lot last week. So it's a giant mockup in which I don't program much, just a few functions to make shooting guns faster (on the right side).

The gun stats are still in the works, but I feel that they won't change much from here. I'll share em.

Bonus Dmg vs Shields
per attack
Range Penalty starting on
Ammo Drop Rate
Push Up
Pistol Secondary Burst Fire


10(3 per burst)


Ignores shields*
Push Down
25(5 per burst)
15(3 per burst)
Very Rare

This second screenshot is the map of the ISS. Actually just a zoomed in part of it. We're testing the different places too, and you'll be able to migrate to different areas of the ship. I think Isabel's apartment is shown in that screenshot too, and she's got lots of her own personal ammo stored at home.

We have a programmer working on implementing all this stuff in, and he's updated me recently that he's inputting a lot of the data from the tests.

Next, an excerpt from working on the story. I usually write out stories in synopses first, and then detail them in, unlike certain authors that kinda just wing it. The following excerpt is one that I am writing with someone else.

"The Captain notices Larissa is sick. She attempts to go on patrol anyway. She doesn’t have any major problems hitting her targets, so she’s arguably still more useful than half of the crew when it comes to being on the field. The Captain is first to notice the sickness. He orders her to sickbay for a checkup, and while she quickly protests, he tells her it’s just a damn checkup. Veronica confirms the Captain’s suspicions and orders Larissa to sickbay. (Veronica is the Medical Officer. She’s the one responsible for confining people to sickbay, including the Captain) Larissa understands the effects of the disease; that she herself can start to become an Iacchan. Larissa respects Veronica’s order, but she still can’t help but feel useless.  
            The Captain and Isabel discuss minor issues, for instance sonic emitter battery levels and possible replacement sources while walking back to the Captain’s quarters when Roderick Strong passes them by eating a chicken leg asking them, “How’s it going?” The Captain and Isabel make eye contact and Isabel responds, “Excuse me. Mr. Strong, the Captain and I would like to see you in his quarters.” Roderick begins to come up with an excuse, but then shrugs and goes along with them not thinking much of it.
            Upon entering the chambers, Roderick asks, “So, what’s up?” The Captain explains to Roderick that since
Larissa (I didn’t think of the name “Lissa”, but the Captain is too serious to call her by that name. Let’s have only Elaine and Stella calling her that, good catch) is sick, they’re going to be sending him on patrol instead. Roderick refuses outright (out of fear, not laziness). He argues that he has no experience fighting and killing the Iacchan. Isabel scoffs and responds that considering the charges that Mr. Strong had been brought up on and convicted of, his history suggests that he is more than capable with a firearm." 

And here's some hentai. Unfinished. I worked on a bit of that today, but mostly I just did some rewrites for a story a writer sent in for me.

In a nutshell, I've been balancing the game, fixing any game design problems, writing the story, and then drawing some hentai. I'm sorry (yes, I'm apologizing), that I've been lacking in updates. I didn't think I had anything visually interesting to show, because I was prioritizing my work on the game design/balance so that the programmer could go in and do his part without waiting on me.

The most positive way I can spin it for you is that I want to assure you that the hentai is not the only part of the game, and that we'll try to make it a very good game as well.


  1. Nice to see that you're focusing so much on gameplay and mechanics. As much as I love hentai, I still want a fun and interesting journey to it!

  2. It's great to finally get an update. We Anon do not care if your updates are all detailed or interesting. A blog post once in a while will suffice, letting us know that you're still alive and still working. Even if it's just about your day and any inspirations you got for the game, if any. Just SOMETHING!

    I really like everything here. This game is gonna be awesome!

    1. Seconding this. Updates of any kind are highly appreciated, and help us know that you're sticking with it and making progress.

  3. Sweeeet, an update. Faaantastic. Reading through it now, from the skim, looked pretty awesome.

  4. Yeah, everything looks like it's coming along great. A lot of technical stuff haha. The station seems like it's going to be huge though, definitely a plus.

    As far as keeping us updated goes, if you really don't feel like putting something up actively, either due to actually working on the game or just busy with your own personal business, that's alright, really. But do throw us a bone every once in awhile, even if you think what you'd be showing is "boring" or something along those lines. It's just nice to see how things are going.

    As always great work and the game looks like it's coming along really fantastic.

  5. Wonderful to hear from you again. It's always impressive to see you working with equal diligence on every aspect of this game. The success of AD1 and AD2 was based in equal parts on the stories, the gameplay, and the adult artwork. It's great to see you maintaining your focus on all three. Bravo.

  6. Totally digging the way this game is fleshing out. As much as I like hentai, I love a well scripted hentai even more! Looking forward to more updates!

  7. I actually like that the gameplay is being really worked on i meen sure hentais nice but there is a million games of just no substance with tits, and thats why i love hentai cooks games, its a fucking buffy line of gameplay as well as a finish line of sexy ladies :)

    ty for taking the time man its appreciated dont rush it! We can wait for a good game, ther is alot of fast food games out there to sustain people, give me lobster sir

  8. The only point I want to make is for anyone whose played Fire Emblem Awakening calling a character Lissa is either going to be great for them, or extremely confusing. I'm the latter, I can almost guarantee I'll assume she's a healer at least once.

  9. Is there any way to get the updates via Kickstarter? I doubt too many people realise this blog exists.

  10. Anything interesting happen in the last month?
