Wednesday, January 8, 2014


1p0- Woke up. I'm sick with the common cold. I have a slight headache, a sore throat, and heavy nasal congestion. I'll be working on easy tasks today.
2p1- Ate. Internetted.
3p2- Worked on enemyTurtle.
Difficulty 4/10 Efficiency 4/10
4p3- Ate. Worked on enemyTurtle.
Difficulty 6/10 Efficiency 3/4
5p4- Relaxed for an hour.
6p5- Worked on enemyTurtle.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 8/10
7p6- Ate some soup. Took a nap.
8p7- Woke up. Finished up enemyTurtle for now.
Difficulty 3/10 Efficiency 2/5
It's a uhh... 

I guess I should jot down some notes on what this thing is. The game design called for a turtle enemy that had a lot of shield but was very hard to miss. I wanted to protect the head by not placing it in the front, that way it would seem feasible that the turtle was hard to line a headshot at. I placed the eyes upside down so that it would have an easier method of eating, and largely ignored its natural predators. The turtle has stegosaurus-like bone spikes that allow it to protect itself from predators, as well as osteoderm plating to suggest that a lot of its mass is bone armor. I was scratching my head on this one.
9p8- Exercised.
10p9- Exercised. Ate some.

1 comment:

  1. Will the girls have sex with the turtle? I see it has a soft tail with no spike on the end.
