Thursday, July 24, 2014


11a0- Woke up. Sleep was bad.
12p1- Ate. Internetted.
1p2- Attempted to go back to sleep. Failed.
2p3- Ate. Played vidja gaems.
3p4- Ate. Played vidja gaems.
4p5- Worked on Stella's story.
Difficulty 6/10 Efficiency 5/10
5p6- Worked on Stella's story. Dealt with indigestion. Game delayed due to indigestion.
Difficulty 6/10 Efficiency 3/10
6p7- Worked on Stella's story. Talked to sister for the majority of the hour.
Difficulty 4/10 Efficiency 3/10
7p8- Exercised.
8p9- Worked on Stella's story.
Difficulty 4/10 Efficiency 5/10
9p10- Exercised.
11p11- Ate. Showered.
12a12- Hung out with online friend for a few hours. Gotta keep my sanity in check, not that it was really in jeopardy. ⊙﹏⊙

This day was pretty slow compared to how hectic I was working the day before.

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