Thursday, May 16, 2013

Music post

Hi, I'm working with my musician and he's putting in some battle music for us. Would you prefer this song, which is more rhythmic, or would you prefer the song be modified to have a bit more melody?


  1. I rather liked that.

    Music for video games is pretty different than music for any other medium. It's there to provide ambiance for whatever the player is interacting with, but can't be that closely tied to what's happening on screen because everyone reads or plays at different rates.

    The fact that this piece doesn't really go anywhere or do anything actually makes it ideal for battle music. The only downside would be that it might drown out the sound effects at the intended volume.

  2. I would have to disagree.

    The battle music here is a great piece of work, for some kind of epic super strong muscular armor guy with a giant axe hacking down barbarians and warriors.

    These are women who are defending themselves against alien attacks. Through their struggles in combat, they're just trying to survive. They are not infiltrating an enemy base. They aren't in some kind of arena going head to head with other combatants. They're survivors. Therefore, something with a bit more melody would be much more appropriate.

    I don't entirely dislike the hard metal. But if you could tone it down and blend it with some melody, I think you'll have something more appropriate for a group of survivors.

    1. Yeah, I agree. Battle would generally suggest attempts at survival. The stuff around 1:30 is pretty good, but I'd suggest toning down the the metal. Something a little more spooky, and hopeless. That way, victory music (on a level up screen or something) could be hopeful and uplifting.

    2. I'm gonna say more melody would be better. The song is awesome but it's rather too overwhelming and intense for a more strategy based sexy women theme. Try more melody, as well as maybe something more futuristic sounding. Try some tech/synth effects mixed with the metal sounding melody, but don't go techno/dubstep!

  3. Reminds of playing Dynasty Warriors, but has that futuristic tune to it. Like the others said, it may be too loud. But hearing gun shots during it would still be noticable I think and the voices could always be amped up slightly so they are too.

    I do agree it may be more fitting if it were more sad. To give the impression and add to the feel that they are fighting for their lives.

    Just my impression anyway, is a great tune regardless.

  4. Like the others have said, I definitely think you should tone down the metal and add a melody, have more elongated solo notes, heck maybe you could incorporate more instruments like hollow strings and synthesizer plug ins for a more outer space tone.

  5. While it's not bad, I would say that you should try to match the pace of the game. The gameplay doesn't seem to be fast enough to deserve this kind of battle music, but it does seem to be more quickly paced than what you would use with a pure horror soundtrack. Maybe look into what's going on in the tower defense genre, and consider elements from say, Contra, as well as some zombie and space flicks.

    Also, you might want to consider the in-game fourth wall. If you actually play through the first recorded attack in game, then it should be without music, since it wasn't intended to be part of a commercial TV show. Maybe have good yet inappropriate music be used in the first few battles, and reactions from the audience. Maybe even use this tune and the jist of the responses to it here for some degree of realism.

  6. You should put in some sexy women moaning samples
