Monday, April 20, 2015


HC here. Special pothead edition. Here is what we have been working on.

(Minor epilepsy warning)

Request for help:
Help me name these enemies.

First off, the T-Rooster at the right is beautifully named. I mean, Tyranosaurus Rooster. Roostersaurus. Tyranorooster. ANY of these roll off the tongue beautifully, but T-Rooster is the one enemy I do not need help naming.

The white thing is currently named Badbitt. (badger rabbit). It can create dams to cover its allied aliens.
The barrel thing.... has an exploding barrel. It's currently named Buttcrab (as opposed to HL2's headcrab)
The stegosaurus is currently named Kevlasaurus. It has a high shield value.
The hand thing... heals...things. It's currently named healer.

Plz help hentaicook games studios think of new names. Due to potential copyright issues, only entries that are either missing letters or with horrible spelling will be accepted. Entries must be made anonymously. ie- b4dbydt,  kevlarghshyuaaurus, "teehee _oostah".


  1. 1 - T-Rooster, I'm sold.
    2 - Looks like a beaver. Maybe it's part platypus, but only the back half. In that case... Badypus. Badgypus? Badgypus sounds super dirty... Badbitpus doesn't sound much better. Maybe just skip my idea on this one.
    3 - When I first saw this thing, I thought Hermit Crab. It just wants to use the barrel as a shell, not realizing it's actually going to kill itself. The KamikazeeKrab is born. Is that too long? Not uncopyright enough? I would risk adding another K, but that might be racist. Then again, it already sounds bad, and my next idea isn't going to get much better.
    4 - I have no fucking idea. The thing looks like it could literally eat from its own asshole, which seems to be conveniently placed near its mouth. I feel like it needs a sort of abomination name, but nothing comes to mind.
    5 - Hand of Gawd. Ahahah.

    Hope it helps.

  2. what if u named the Kevlasaurus instead Rockosaurus or Dingasurus. i like that one Ding rofl.
    The crab and the rest are so far alright. ....exploding buttcrab hahaha. hope it helps! can't wait. keep up the awesome work.

  3. The crab has got to be called Krabikaze.
    The hand... Helping Hand? Handy Healer? Healing Touch? Magic Fingers?
    Honestly you could call the dinosaur Buttosaurus, but I like Kevlasaurus already.
    The rabbit thing is tough. Bouncy Beaver? Rodam? (rodent-dam)? Beanny? (Beaver-bunny). Or maybe Caberdannog? :D

  4. 1. Tyranorooster sounds amazing.
    2. Perhaps Badgrab (Badge - Rab)
    3. Crabboom? Crustosive (Crustacean + Explosive) I enjoy Krabikaze.
    4. Kevlasaurus is pretty good. When I quickly read it I thought it said KevinSaurus. Which I thought was also good.
    5. The hand... why it's Fister Health.

    1. Haha, KevinSaurus! Can that be a thing? PLEASE?

  5. Cockodile - Rooster thing

  6. T-rooster or Tyrannorooster is gold. Keep it.

    Brabbit for the beaver/rabbit hybrid.

    Another guy said something about a KamikazeeKrab, that sounds pretty nice. Or Kamikrab or Kamicrab.

    Hand thingy: Life-Bearer, Life-grabber, Presenters.
