Monday, February 24, 2014


So yesterday sucked. It's okay, every day is like a new year's resolution to start over again.

7p0- Woke up.
8p1- Did morning stuff. Ate.
9p2- Ate. Internetted.
10p3- Internetted. Annd ate some more. Ready to go.
11p4- Starting off slow. Worked a little on ThreeS, internetted.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 2/10
12a5- Worked on ThreesET.
Difficulty 8/10 Efficiency 5/10
1a6- Having a hard time concentrating... Worked on ThreesET.
Difficulty 8/10 Efficiency 4/10
3a8- Worked on ThreesET
Difficulty 8/10 Efficiency 5/10
8a13- Working hard. Just didn't feel like reporting in for awhile. Was fully concentrating.


  1. In case you appreciate or enjoy knowledge of your impact on the rest of the world, I am dropping by to say that AD: 2nd Session is the only pornographic material I've ever spent money on - the reason being that I feel it's from a trustworthy, human source. At least I think that's why. I also enjoy reading the updates you post, related to the game or not. You're like this rare spark of intelligence and earnest-ness out there in the internet's vastness.

    1. Seconded! Only monetary expenditure for porn in my life.

    2. I don't really think I deserve the praise, but thanks.

    3. I third the motion! Yes, you do.
