Sunday, August 3, 2014


11:30- Woke up, bad sleep.
1p1- Ate, internetted.
2p2- Ate, gamed
3p3- Worked on ZoeH3.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 5/10
4p4- Worked on ZoeH3. Coloring and cleaning up lines while watching TV seems therapeutic.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 10/10
5p5- Worked on ZoeH3. Napped.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 3/5
6p6- Exercised in a video game.
7p7- Exercised in a video game.
8p8- Ate while playing a different video game.
9p9- Fail hour. No efficiency. #selfshaming
10p10- Worked on miscellaneous items.
Difficulty 4/10 Efficiency 7/10
11p11- Worked on BASICS stuffs.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 10/10
12a12- Worked on BASICS stuffs. Found a good solution for the threesome difficulty problem.
Character Ring. A player receives a character ring the first time he beats a character story. The ring gives the player the ability to automatically succeed on all BASICS checks with that character, that character’s girlNameTotalPoints is always at maximum, and also allows the player to ignore the location restriction of a character's story. The ring is a permanent item. You can only equip one character ring during a run. A ring remains equipped until the player starts a new run. The only way to unequip a ring is by starting a new run (to stop players from abusing the rings). 

This solution allows a solo character story to retain near maximum difficulty. AD3's unique story situation necessitates that the characters all have very difficult stories rather than AD2's direction of having single character runs as being easy, while threesomes are difficult. The only difference in difficulty is that the player must now simply date and auto-succeed with the character of which he has a ring of. There are some cons however; explaining to the player how the ring works is not going to be pretty. I'd probably summarize the item's description as "This ring remains equipped for one run, and lets you auto-succeed on checks with the given character."... And then we have a lack of in-universe explanation as to where this ring comes from, or even how it magically teleports the crew for the duration of one story mission, which I'm prepared to dismissively wave.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 10/10
1a13- Worked on Basics stuffs.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 6/10
2a14- Worked on Basics stuffs.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 10/10
3a15- Worked on Basics stuffs. Just sitting here, balancing dating sim parts of the game, and ahh, that's about all I'll bother to explain.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 9/10

1 comment:

  1. Given that the AD universe already has magic, you can lampshade it as being magic, or if you want to shy away from that, some other alien species breaks the prime directive equivalent and gives you a ring of sufficiently advanced technology that our human minds can't comprehend.
