Saturday, August 9, 2014


3p0- Woke.
4p1- Ate, internetted.
5p2- Ate, internetted.
6p3- Did some chores.
8p5- Tried to get some sleep. Failed.
9p6- Worked on ZoeH3.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 3/10
10p7- Exercised.
11p8- Exercised.
12a9- Ate, video gamed.
1a10- Worked on ZoeH3.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 1/10
2a11- Worked on ZoeH3. Eugh. Felt like a wasted a bunch of time today. I'll try to make up for it.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 5/10
3a12- Worked on ZoeH3.
Difficulty 2/10 Efficiency 5/10
4a13- Worked on ZoeH3.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 8/10
5a14- Worked on ZoeH3. My face is falling off. Worked on LarissaH2.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 10/10
6a15- Worked on LarissaH2.
Difficulty 4/10 Efficiency 10/10


  1. Yeehaw, sidesaddle!

  2. I think you should make the guy body a bit more muscular and maybe some minor improvements to his neck other than that it looks great. I notice a lot of improvements in your art.
