Monday, October 19, 2015

AD3 v1.02 Balance patch.

The patch is now live!

Here are the patch notes for Version 1.02:
  • ==Decreased newbie player frustration==
    • Highlighting an enemy now displays your chance to hit, remaining health, remaining shield, and status icon effects.
    • Shifted the Story Selection and Weapons Loadout menus. You may now use these menus before signing your name.
    • Shifted BASICs point stat distribution from Dossiers to Story Selection for convenience.
    • Removed a lot of ambiguity that stopped players from succeeding on dates.
      • BASICS suggestion and affection requirements are now displayed for players to even begin a date (for some, but not all stories). With the new signature timing re-balance taken into consideration (you select stories before you sign your name), this means that the player no longer need risk any resources for some of the stories.
      • Some stories retain a certain amount of risk, testing partly luck and the amount of BASICS you have (same as AD2). 
      • Story Selection Menu now completely displays these objectives:
        • It shows you the aforementioned BASICS and Affection requirements, if any. 
        • It tells you when there will be any basics checks, meaning that you can now tell the future.
        • It shows you the overall difficulty of the character.
    • Mutiny-o-meter can now be found at the Dossiers.
    • Viewership can now be found at the Dossiers in addition to the detailed stats.
  • ==Game balance== (buff/nerf = good/bad for player)
    • (buff) Modified hospital as an available area to retrieve a generic gift that does a flat affection gain instead of trying your luck at the hotel.  Hospital now starts with a 100% drop.
    • (nerf) Hotel difficulty's minimum increased from -8 to 0. (You don't need to be there as much anymore, and you've got the backup office gift drop anyways.)
    • (super buff) Dating requirements much easier (By making it less complex, it's also easier for hardcore enthusiasts, sadly.)
      • (buff) "You must be resting together" relaxed to "Neither of you can be on guard duty".
      • (buff) "Neither of you can be incapacitated" limitation removed entirely.
    • (major buff) Trip mine damage increased from 0SP/15HP to 10SP/20HP.
    • (major buff) Stella's Three Gun Salute swapped out for trip mines. The salute, while fancy, was too confusing and too reliant on rng.
    • (major nerf) Increased Carmen's power costs to decentivise a Carmen-Hangar Defense strategy.
      • (nerf) Carmen's attract mode now costs 2 instead of 1.
      • (nerf) Carmen's destroy now does 35 damage instead of 50.
      • (nerf) Carmen's KDIG Encryption Protocol now costs 20 instead of 15.
    • (minor buff) Mutually Assured Destruction does 15 less damage to guards.
    • (minor buff) Louie dodge rating decreased by 10.
    • (minor buff) Black hole costs 5 less.
    • (minor nerf) Kevlasaurus max speed increased by 1.
    • (nerf) Kevlasaurus dodge decreased by 5, but shields increased by 25.
    • (major buff) Whip damage calculation changed so that the damage it does is reliant on the horizontal distance the whip has extended, basically doing more damage and easily calculated.
    • (major nerf) Starting ammunition halved.
    • (major buff) Doubled amount of ammunition dropped from Barracks. (So basically, go there more often).
    • Carmen will now be prioritized to become incapacitated if she is on guard duty once the MAD bomb hits the battlefield.
    • (minor nerf) Carmen will no longer passively gain HP
    • Carmen will now gain HP as if she is a barricade (she now shares the repairing heals with other barricades)
    • (minor nerf) Accuracy Bonus from sniper rifle's alt fire can now only be gained if the target hasn't moved no more than 2 square tiles away from its original position. Damage bonus for sniper rifle alt fire remains unchanged.
    • (nerf) H.E. Shot Launcher damage decreased from 15SP/30HP to 10SP/20HP
    • (nerf) Prior to evacuation, reaching 5 million viewership or less will result in game over
    • (minor nerf) BP Boost will now restore 30 Strength to Carmen and all Barricades
    • (nerf) BP Boost will no longer automatically revive Carmen. You need Carmen to be around 100HP before she is revived
    • (nerf) The day 25 double effect for gift items is now only limited to one gift use per game.
  • ==Bug Fixes==
    • Fixed a bug where Bikini Vision and Survivor Kit can be dropped from hotel.
    • Fixed a bug where Larissa's Space Cow Burger generated 0 affection.
    • Fixed a bug where Hangar and Mall are supposed to be adjacent to each other.
    • Fixed a bug where clicking on nothing in the bunk view will freeze the game.
    • Fixed a bug where Smile Staples was missing from the database.
    • Fixed a bug where Carmen's EP is more than Maximum.
    • Fixed a bug where the mutiny two lowest calculations were incorrect and the text for it isn't displayed properly.
    • Fixed a bug in Larissa Story 3 where her choices weren't correctly inputted.
    • Fixed a bug in Zoe Story 2 where her choices weren't correctly inputted.
    • Fixed a bug in Zoe Story 9 where a bgm wasn't playing properly.
    • Fixed a bug in Zoe Story 10 where it causes the game to crash under certain conditions.
    • Fixed a bug in Elaine Story 7 where her sex scenes weren't showing.
    • Fixed a bug in Carmen Story 5 where the extra scene wasn't unlocked properly (if right conditions are met).
    • Fixed up correct HP loss information for Veronica in Veronica Story 2 when she gets hurt.
    • Fixed a bug in Veronica Story 5 where the last choice automatically ended the narrative.
    • Fixed a bug where a player using a free action power, then reloading causes the game to freeze.
    • Fixed a bug where Carmen's Power Usage Checks was using Stamina instead of energy to determine if Carmen can use powers or not
    • Fixed a bug where you cannot allocate less BASICS points than your remaining BASICS points.
    • Fixed a bug where the player can immediately end a battle before all enemies are spawned (the exceptions to this rule include using MAD and ending a tutorial battle).
    • Fixed a bug where WAX CHANCE does not increase after successfully removing wax.
    • Fixed a bug on Adrenaline Shot where the user's stamina decreases after skipping a turn.
    • Fixed a bug where reducing amount of BP Boost to 0 will not disappear from inventory.


  1. So ive played the game with the patch for a few hours and everything is perfect except for a couple of things. You guys are being way to stingy on the ammo. There is too much ammo being used in fighting everyday, and not enough to go around. I feel like the fighting system should not be everyday but there should be a chance to encounter a fight depending where you stay the night. like there should be an area to help your survivors recuperate but no story advancement would happen, you could say with the way the game functions right now that the slums is that area but you still have to waste ammo everynight. on top of that theres a glitch where i cant even buy ammo?? every time i try to buy ammo it doesnt let me even though i have enough androcoins. i understand its like a mobile game where purchasing these things would make the game easier but im paying for the story and the characters why do i have to buy ammo after that ? Its not even like i have a choice because im only on day 9 and im already running out of ammo, whose story will i get far into in only nine days? Something has to be done with the limited ammo situation because no matter how many patches there are without ammo theres no advancement in the game. Oh and how come im running into 4 freaking moose bots in an area with +1 difficulty? How can i prepare for that when i went to an area with low difficulty because i was low on ammo!!

    1. "like there should be an area to help your survivors recuperate but no story advancement would happen, you could say with the way the game functions right now that the slums is that area but you still have to waste ammo everynight. "

      What would be the point of this area? If you wanted to simply waste ammo to forgo a fight, then you can still just... fight and spam ammo. Story wise, they actually welcome the enemies to fight them, because they're driving the enemies away from other survivors on the station. The only story method that would allow them to stop getting attacked is probably by leaving the station in an escape pod or tether, but at that point, the story effectively ends anyways. Perhaps they could erect a stasis barrier that requires a lot of energy... but as neat as that sounds, we don't want to introduce too many mechanics into the game.

      From what I gather from your suggestion, you're basically saying "hey i don wanna fight anymore". You understand well the concept of loss in this game; if you want to stay a day, you have to fight a night. If you really don't want to fight and would prefer to fap, well, there's always xvideos, lol. Then again we could introduce a microtransaction item that allows you to skip battles altogether, maybe call it a battle master AI rental, hehe.

      If you can survive until day 10, there's a chance you can get Olga's story done. Carmen is pretty easy too. You can check the difficulties of each character. A big change that might screw people over from last patch is that there isn't a lot of ammo this time around.

      The initial difficulty of the game is lower now, yet the difficulty curve is higher near the end of the game. If you found it too hard to get any girls pre-patch, it should be a lot easier, and if you found the difficulty a bit easy, the most difficult stories are much harder now. (It's still very possible to beat the game w/o microtransactions; in our test runs we never use anything except what we pick up during runs).

      Some advice regarding the new patch
      -Get ammo from the barracks, and stay there at least until it's down to 70% (or lower if you plan on staying longer).
      -Soldier is not as good anymore; after a slight nerf, the other classes are much better because of the way the game's difficulty is curved (if Noble has 5 basics, then there's 5 days you don't have to play, and that's 5 days you don't get curved on).

      Here's a newb faq:
      Q: Big things are eating me!
      A: Fiddle around with your powers until you find the ones that can stop the big guys. Understanding your powers is pretty much key to combat; the rest will fall into place once you get that down.

      Q: My resources keep getting drained!
      A: Then drain them in the correct order. HP>Ammo>MP=SP>BP

      Q: Why are these big enemies coming out if my area's difficulty is so low?
      A: Remember, the difficulty of the game is always increasing by a set number. A -8 difficulty at the end of the game is way harder than a +10 at the beginning. The big enemies are balanced to be evenly difficult as the clusters of little ones. Newer players tend to get put off by these bigger guys only, but remember that you have the tools to stop them. Captain and Terra both have a power that can completely freeze an enemy for a turn.

    2. Well what i got out of that is that nothing will probably be nothing done about the ammo aspect of the game?

    3. Oh and no answer to the ammo glitch in the store?

    4. We are looking into this store issue.

    5. As for your issues on ammunition, perhaps try conserving your supplies from day 1 by using pistols and powers until you feel you absolutely needed to use other weapons. You can afford to use some machine pistol rounds and shotgun rounds too if necessary early on. These advices will greatly improve your chances of surviving harder days.

    6. Alrite i guess ill try your tip then Jungl3Curr1, but please at least consider what people have said about the ammo situation and try to find a solution in between that would work for both parties. AD3 is borderline Amazing dating sim or frustrating dating sim that had potential. If you could just fix the ammo situation im standing by waiting to throw my money at all the stories just like many other people, i really want to like this game but this is the only thing stopping me :/

    7. Just in case, could you please tell me how you tried buying ammo in store? I would like to know more in detail.

    8. Hey. This is a different anonymous than above. I also had issues buying ammo in the store. I had coins left over from when I unlocked the stories. Something happened where all of a sudden I kept getting error messages from both andrograde and the game (as in, two boxes popped up, one from andrograde and one janky hentaicook box). To fix this I simply logged out of andrograde and logged back in. Worked fine after that.

  2. A lot of very good improvements witch this patch. Mutiny Meter, Combat Balances, and Bug Fixes are working great and now that I actually understand what the game wants from me I can plan accordingly. That being said I'm still not a Masochist and after 20+ hours and very limited success I still think that game's primary problem is its excessively low ammo rewards. Its a grueling uphill slog just to get to day 20 when wise tactical choices amount to nothing more that a small delay in your inevitable defeat through ammo exhaustion.
    That being said this is a relatively solid game but for for the fact that "risk" never seems to equal "reward" in AD3, so much as a slightly slower rate of inevitable attrition.

    1. "That being said this is a relatively solid game but for for the fact that "risk" never seems to equal "reward" in AD3, so much as a slightly slower rate of inevitable attrition."

      Well said, but you make it sound like a bad thing, hehe. Slower rate of attrition sounds like a good reward to me, hehe. Scoring ammo in the barracks is really good now. It's kinda funny because people tend to be such packrats when games let them, like in Fallout or Skyrim. If AD3 was made on that engine, I think you'd have to race back to your room and say "oh my gosh! I need to use ALL of these power armors I've collected over my adventures! I'm going to need every single pumpkin and apple to see me through this one! (Louies bite down the door)"

      In those games, you work to get ahead of the curve, and once you get past that curve, you get a smug feeling and then just leave the game. For AD3 it's just a downward slope, but it can feel much more satisfying without the smug, or at least we strive to make that experience possible.

      But if this patch doesn't please you, then I'm not sure what else to say because it's kind of the big final gameplay patch (extra content aside). I'm not saying that this is the final gameplay patch because there are still parts of the game that can be improved. The game is much clearer now, but not completely. If there are any bugs, rest assured jungl3curr1 will seek and destroy them.

      This balance patch ultimately the represents the final direction we've decided on, and we're slowly sticking our fork in it so if any of you out there object, please let us know in the comments and don't forget to rate, subscribe, and take the survey by clicking on Isabel.

    2. To clarify I'm completely thrilled how this game ultimately turned out and anyone who played Olga's story first like I did knew what they were getting into. I just wish there was some way to build toward progress instead of merely "holding" the line. Maybe like weapon drops, skill unlocks, your BASICS actually doing something. Something to consider for add-on content but as is this game is completely winnable for anyone willing to put the time in.

    3. This, holy crap a progression build would be amazing if i were able to put faith into my defense say because i had upgraded barriers and upgraded guns that i worked for that would actually give me the satisfaction when i get the h scenes. Also what makes any rpg great is a level up system, im surprised by the lack of any upgrade system (aside from basic points) but someway to make the terrible shooting characters into something decent so i dont feel like i only have 4 night guard duty shooters.

    4. Yeah lovesworder cause people suuuure did stop playing skyrim and fo3 after they got past the curve, people are still playing through those games till this day and it only took me 1 week to stop ad3

    5. Yeah, I definitely overgeneralized when I said that players put down FO3/Skyrim after they get ahead of the curve.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm so tired of being penalized for everything thing I do, of the wonky balancing, the lack of ammo and resources, and the focus on a survival experience when I wanted a simply dating sim. Can you please just make a neutered difficulty mode so that people who want to play this for the dating and not spend hours with tedious combat can have fun? I'm really starting to regret my purchase. I get what you were trying to do, but it's just not fun. I hate grinding through this experience.

    1. In the same situation but it looks like its not gonna happen... guess its a good thing i only bought one story

    2. Agree with this. I don't understand why it's so important to play the battle and resource aspect of it. I enjoyed AD2 so much because I could go through multiple playthroughs and enjoy every aspect of it. Now there's a silly save system that penalizes you because you might have messed up. It's misery.

      I don't understand why it's so important to feature this battle and resource system when so many people have been vocal about it being so unforgiving. It's not fun. It's not enjoyable. It's just tedious and gives people less incentive to try and grind through it.

      Much respect to the people who did beat this game and figure it out but I feel like they're in the minority.

    3. Agreed. While I understand the creators' need to do something original and feel like they are contributing something new to the gene pool of adult games, there's a clear distinction between what a developer enjoys designing and what a player enjoys, well, playing.

      I purchased AD2 (lost my friggin' andrograde purchase, but that was years ago and don't care too much) and I was a bit hesitant with pre-purchasing this one. Now, after having spent some time with the system, I can say I will not purchase any story unless there are some very radical changes. It's fun to have a roguelike that can throw a dragon at you when you have a pointy stick, but it's frustrating to no end to have a dating sim, with clear plot progression, get you an auto-save system that can lock you in a no-win situation with no way to go back to a previous point, forcing you to restart each and every time and go through some (by the third time) tedious and boring scenes. It just feels hostile to the player, like the game it's telling you that you are not good enough to enjoy what it has to offer and that it won't ever let you so much as cop a feel. In that regard, I guess they nailed the dating sim part.

      I don't mean to sound overly negative (hard to believe, I know), but after following this blog for so long and having so thoroughly enjoyed the first AD, it's a bit disappointing to feel so utterly rejected by the new offering. I know you can't please everyone, but it feels like a lot of your fan-base is asking you to deviate from your original vision and allow an easy mode--which seems like a reasonable compromise, as other players could enjoy the "true" experience while non-survival fans could enjoy the stories you have so carefully crafted.

  5. To people complaining about ammo, here are my personal 10 commandments that have helped me.

    1) Try to balance your party so that you have 2 or 3 "battle" party members (Carmen, Isabel, Larissa, Zoe, or Beatrice essentially) and 1 or 2 "sucky" party members (Veronica, Olga, Terra, Elaine or the Captain).

    2) Always have someone with a jammer (Olga, Elaine, Carmen) in your party so the people who suck can use assault rifles without getting overly penalized.

    3) Know what other skills actually cause damage and use them often. Terra's Deep Fry Sprinkler is good. There's some skill that does like 100 shield damage to all enemies. Isabel's buff to weapon ability to 100. Mass affect skills essentially.

    4) Never have a sucky character do the 2x fire option.

    5) Never do the alt fire option (except with the assault rifle during a jamming phase).

    6) Use pistols for kill shots whenever possible (this should be obvious)

    7) Enemy priority is roughly this order: Louie Egg > Exploding crabs > Rooster > Moose > whatever. The Mooses can shoot things at you and seem to have tons of HP, but generally their attacks are weak.

    8) Again, whenever possible, try to eliminate shield points using skills before wasting ammo on the enemies themselves.

    9) Hospital, Hotel, Barracks... Those are really the only places you need to be, if you don't have a specific date planned.

    10) The game (and HC in the post above) places a low emphasis on BP... not sure if he's purposefully misleading people but the way I play I have someone on "repair" whenever possible.

    Hope this helps someone.


    1. Why are exploding crabs so high and mooses so low on your enemy priority? And no alt fire even on the mac p is surprising, i thought the alt fire was almost essential to removing high shield enemies.

    2. Exploding crabs will completely decimate your barrier, and as I mentioned in #10, I prioritize barrier points sometimes more than HP. My reworked hierarchy would be something like BP>SP>Ammo>MP>HP. Obviously, you don't want any of your people to get incapacitated... but it's much less likely they'll get incapacitated if your barrier is strong.

    3. Yeah, we also play the game with someone on repair duty practically 90% of the time.

      They're cheap because they heal the fastest out of all the HP/BP/SP/MPs.

      The hierarchy is a priority of consumption, not their rate of building.

    4. I don't agree with the 5th commandment, Pistol Alt is super legit, Machine Pistol Alt is situationally good, shotgun alt is admittedly extremely situational, sniper alt is legit, and assault rifle alt is mad beast.

  6. Ok, here are some other changes and updates for today:

    ##==## ========= ##==##
    ##==## Version 1.03 ##==##
    ##==## ========= ##==##

    - Now exclusive and equipment items will appear when you purchase them at the main menu before loading a current game. They will now also appear when you load a game and then you log into an account that has the purchased goods.
    - Now you can buy all consumable and equipment items at the store via the main menu instead of having to load a game first.
    - Added a status for incapacitated survivors where it shows their HP threshold to being revived.
    - Fixed a slight bug in enemy spawning database.
    - Fixed a bug where hospital drop chance is 0% instead of 100%

    1. Jungl3curr1 if you buy one ammo pack in the store will you only get one through playthrough or one per file? And how much ammo do you get per pack andddddd final question when ammo is dropped is it dropped from the barracks does it show up as equipment as if you just bought it or does it just add say 5 bullets of sniper ammo to you overall ammo count?

    2. I didn't even realize you could buy ammo with real money. This game has microtransactions? For shame! That's a new low. Now I see why he doesn't want to offer an easier difficulty.

    3. For the answer with ammo pack, once yu buy an ammo pack, it's saved until yu used up your local supplies of ammunition and then you proceed to use up the andrograde ammo supplies. This is designed so that if players are struggling with the game and they wish to start again without losing their store bought ammo, then they can simply don't need to expend both their local and andrograde supplies.

      hope that answers your question.

  7. I think this game need a difficulty option asap. I understand your opinion to let H-scenes as a final reward after a long battle, but I'm sure there are people (like me) who bought this game mainly for the story instead of hours of looting. A difficulty option would be awesome because is too hard to survive enough for complete at least 1 story. It's just an opinion by a fan of this series, but i hope you'll take this option in consideration.

    1. There are some stories that are easier to complete than others. The rankings from easy to hardest are:

      - Passenger
      - Enlisted Passenger
      - Rookie
      - Star Captain
      - Aching Dreamer

      However, your opinion as well as everyone else's opinions are noted. But we will continue observing for now.

  8. Ok. One HUGE question. Where can I get ammo? As far as I know, the Barracks (the hardest room in the game) is the only place that drops ammo. Because it is the hardest room, you're going to go through more ammo and more important weapons, reducing your ammo more than a fight in any other room. The first day I fought there I didn't get any ammo even though the drop chance was 90%. The next night I finally got some ammo, and I mean SOME. Even with this found ammo, I now have even less ammo than the two nights prior, and virtually nothing for my assault rifle (which is something that's very important to have in the hardest room in the game). I don't understand how I'm supposed to get more ammo when every night I'm spending more of it than ever and sometimes it doesn't drop ammo at all. I would think with the risk of even going to the barracks that there should be a 100% chance of dropping ammo, and enough to make it worth the venture. I'm losing ammo by trying to get ammo. Can you please explain the logic behind this system and what I'm doing wrong?

  9. anyone know how to get zoe H2 Scene?

  10. This is a good update, but the barracks really needs more ammo drops

  11. Great game! But, how do we save our progress?

    1. There are no manual saves. The resume slot automatically saves every day, but your load slots auto saves every 5 days starting from day 2.

    2. Thanks but there issue I been trying to get ammo but when I try the places with the high drop rate I;m not getting the ammo I need and running extremely low.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. How do you adds points to your captain now?

    1. it's in the story selection where the points distribution is.

  13. Ammo isn't my problem, it's how fast the enemies get to you. Not much you can do when you have waves of enemies that do 50 damage, take 150+ to kill and reach you in 2-3 turns. Missing your point blank shotgun shot (still happens 3 times in a row with 85% chance to hit) or simply missing the blow-back effect ends up being a death sentence far too often. I suppose I'll have to revise the strategy because what used to get me consistently to day 20 now gets me killed in the first 7 days (I did 6 or so tries). The other problem is that there are no easy days. Even -8 days are 2 mooses, 5 zombies and then a wave of 6 rats. Some +2 days in the barracks were 5 Louie eggs. I simply don't have the damage output to deal with it. Have more people been beating this with the patch?

    I know people are asking for more ammo and an easy mode and stuff, but here's some options on my wish list:

    1.) Slow down a lot of the enemies. T-Roosters and Louie's especially. They are currently boss level characters you have to face every day.
    2.) Maybe find some way to get intel (assigned role, power use, or item) that gives you some kind of clue as to what you're fighting. Prep to fight 5 louie's is a lot different than a wave of zombies then a wave of healers. Currently the fights are all difficult, even with decent preparation.
    3.) Actually have an easy day once and awhile. Currently it's just a rapid decline.

    1. 1) When it comes to speed, it is what makes the game exciting, when you have to either risk shooting at them or risk getting hit. It is one of the best parts of the game because the player is usually very aware of how fast and cheap they are, and they have the power to stop it.

      As for how to deal with T-Roosters and Louies exactly, a possible solution would be to use double fire shotgun when they're close to guarantee at least 1 pushback. Black Hole is also another solution: you just need to make sure you aim the hole center behind the targets. If all else fail, you can try mitigating damage on injured survivors through side push and taunts.

      2) That changes the way the game is played too much. Quite honestly, the people that are screaming bullshit about what random enemies show up are really just a few steps away from actually getting how the game works. I think it is more fair to implement an enemy "radar", but it's also A) MORE clutter, B) Punishes newbie players even further because they have no idea what a t-rooster is in the first place. So at the moment, we don't need to make it harder for the newbies.

      3) Exactly how would you want to do this? What you're saying is more in line of a psychological break. What if we... just said "oh, day 10, no fight." That means that we're just going to have to curve the end game even further. Having a "no fight day", just makes the game more mechanically difficult and complex (i.e. Zerothsmas).

      With that being said, we are considering our options.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Guys, I think I made a horrible mistake. I used my ccleaner professional and now every ammo i bought is away. Currently own 0 of these... every weapon.
    I hope it is ok when I seek for help with this comment..
    Just tell me if I am stupid or theres another way to get my ammo back >.<
    That would be really sad because I wont play ad3 anymore. Sad story.

    1. Well the "terms of use" sneakily covers our asses in case you just delete all your ammo, haha.

      "Just tell me if I am stupid or theres another way to get my ammo back "
      (sigh) I'm sure it was an honest mistake, so I'll just...

      "That would be really sad because I wont play ad3 anymore. Sad story."
      Oh, okay I did not expect this you to end this by guilt tripping me, lol. I would suggest the word "please" instead.

      But hey, shit happens. The good news is, today, at the click of a button, I can make that shit unhappen. Email me your account name and I'll drop some goodies in.

    2. Whoops, didn't realize the ammo should actually be externally stored in andrograde. Well we can't do anything about you deleting your save file, but simply start a new game and your ammo should be there.

      What. I never buy ammo, lol

    3. Thanks. I really appreciate your help.
      But thats the problem. I also thought when I start a new game my ammo I purchased before ccleaner will be back. (Sorry for my bad english. I hope it doesnt disturb you)
      Well my save file is deleted that is no problem. I had Stella, Carmen, Olga and Isabel. Anyway, I wanted to play their routes again.
      But my extra Ammo is lost. :´(
      I already tried a different browser etc.(chrome mozilla...) but it didnt help.

      I will send you my account from andrograde per email . You can also have screenshots if you want.

      And yes you are right about my behaviour I didnt mean it like that. I rage quited around 4-5 times because i didnt survive more than 25 days. But you have to skill your char for the last dates :/.
      Shall I use the email from

      best regards

  16. @anon with the lost ammo predicament:

    I will explain to you what exactly happened to your lost ammunition by reposting my earlier comment:

    For the answer with ammo pack, once you buy an ammo pack, it's saved until you used up your local supplies of ammunition and then you proceed to use up the andrograde ammo supplies. This is designed so that if players are struggling with the game and they wish to start again without losing their store bought ammo, then they can simply don't need to expend both their local and andrograde supplies.

    Here's an example:
    Say you have 50 assault rifle ammo in your local storage, and you have 15 in your Andrograde account. That comes to 65 total. At any given battle, if you used up your local storage and then you proceed to use up your ammunition from your Andrograde account, then your ammunition is consumed and cannot be reused again.

    Hope this will clear up any misconceptions about how Andrograde consumables work.

    1. Ok i finally understand. Mmh thats too bad. But thank you for the very fast support.
      I will try again without extra ammo. I will follow your hints and tips. At least I cant really say that I wasted my money.
      You made a really good game!
      best regards

  17. 1/2
    Alright. I've been wanting to give my 2 cents about the game, but wanted to wait until I got a decent feel of the game. At this time I have finished Veronica, Larissa, Zoe (1 of the endings), Olga and Carmen.

    I've put alot of hours into this both at the very start, after the double ammo patch, and now after the latest patch. I've always been a huge fan of Turn-based strategy games, and I was hoping this game would not only be a good Hentai fap-game, but a good game overall. In my personal opinion, the TBS-side has some flaws, but I'll get to that.

    The artwork in the H-scenes are great. I have not been disappointed yet, and although some have been more underwhelming than others, less work has been put in to achieve them, so it balances out. If I could offer a suggestion though, I wish more scenes with several choices had the option to "restart" within the scene. A "ready for more?" kinda option.

    The storylines in the game are engaging and fun. Although the Captain at times is a little bitch, he sometimes needs to be (Loved the sidenotes in the story). I can tell these have been put a lot of hard work into, and just as in AD2, they are beyond expectations. I also like that the stories hentai-wise doesn't give you all at once, so you have incentive to keep going.

    I love the part about the map, to be honest. At first I didn't know which room did what, and tried to stay where I met the least difficulty, or where I needed to go to progress a story. Now I enjoy the intricacy of contemplating whether to save solar power or go for some gifts, or even going for ammo when the difficulty modifier is lower than usual.

    My biggest problem lies in the combat itself, and although there has been several posts about it earlier, I'd still like to share my thoughts.

    A huge problem in my oppinion is that there is nothing that notifies you of drops after the fights. Sure, now that I've played alot I know that I can check to see if I got gifts or MP SP BP boosts in my inventory, but even now I sometimes go to the barracks to get ammo and catch myself squinting at the screen the next day to see if any of my ammo supplies have gone up. After the patch I also feel the barracks should drop a bit more ammo, I think I got 10 shots of AR there once, and that was all. that's 1 louie egg (or 3 with KC, DO, but you get my point).

    1. 2/2
      One of my biggest problems during my runs are RNG. I can't always cover all my bases, as my tactic is to use mana efficiently to preserve ammo. Choosing between Terra over Olga the first day and encountering 2 T-roosters and a Big healer can be troublesome.

      I do not entirely agree on making the combat phase predictable, as in having a radar to show what monsters you'll get etc, but what I'm missing is more "story" in the combat.
      I have two suggestions that possibly could satisfy both sides:

      - The first one is that special days (not necessarily set days like 4, 7, 11, etc) are special fights, like a 3x T-rooster fight, or 15 zombie-fight. Maybe Larissa comes in from a scouting mission to tell you that she's seen them incoming or whatever.

      - The second suggestion is to change the "slim resistance" and "heavy resistance" type descriptions on the map to instead read "high chance of louies" or "high chance of Moose-bots". You should always face the risk of meeting every enemy all over the place, but if you have a slight chance of prediction, that can help alot.

      My biggest issue with the game is the fact that you constantly need to preserve ammunition and mana, leading the combat to drag out, and in the end become really tiresome.
      I have countless times been at the ending stages of a combat with a single enemy left, pumping away with pistols missing 50% of the shots and having Larissa do the occasional double shotgun to push it back. It gets dull really fast, but if you want to make it to the end, it's what you gotta do.

      If there was any way to specialize your team, or even your captain, the combat phases of the game would be alot more enjoyable, cause you could atleast try different strategies and make every run a bit different. For me, it's basically play Soldier to have a useful Captain during combat, or Noble so I have five less days to grind BASICS.

      To sum up, I'm thoroughly satisfied with the stories, characters and H-scenes, but I do not agree on several choices done in the combat-part, which is 80% (ninja-statistics) of the game.


  18. "I have countless times been at the ending stages of a combat with a single enemy left, pumping away with pistols missing 50% of the shots and having Larissa do the occasional double shotgun to push it back. It gets dull really fast, but if you want to make it to the end, it's what you gotta do."

    I agree with this point. We've made an effort with the whole double clicking an enemy to auto shoot it, but the function (aptly named Diablo Click) could use more finer tuning. While it won't necessarily auto-resolve a battle, we can tune it so that it's more streamlined to the point where you double click the same enemy and have the game choose between 2x fire/single fire.

    ---U and Me and R.N.G---

    Early playtesting proved that predictable monsters were really lame. Imagine knowing that 4 louies were coming, so you brought snipers. The game would be very predictable, much like the end of the night where you're just pistol spamming the last enemy.

    I don't agree with the sentiment that the enemy spawn RNG is over the top either. I actually think it's the fault of the player. Usually it's because they're just not good enough yet. The better you get, the more possibilities you will see (in terms of both dishing out damage and the possible risks involved).

    The correct counter to 4 louies is not 4 sniper rifles, because four rifles would lose to a swarm.

    Let's take it further and say there was less spawn RNG. For theory's sake, let's reduce it to 0 RNG. Would the game be fun if you knew that 20 zombies were coming? No, because you would just get Terra out and deep fry them quickly; you wouldn't have to consider for risk. But you knew that, and that's not my point.

    If there was 0 RNG, then we would simply have the same scalable ratio of enemies every time. It's not a bunch of enemies of one type anymore. It'd look like this:
    Day 1: 2 zombies, 2 healers, 2 buttcrabs, 1 louie
    Day 2: Same as day 1, +2 zombies, -1 buttcrab
    Day 3: Same as day 2, -1 zombie, +2 rats
    If the player still lost against this 0 RNG mode, well, he wouldn't be able to blame RNG, so he'd have to blame himself. That's good, because being able to blame yourself for your failures in a game is always good....
    But what's this player's solution, then?
    The answer is to play more efficiently, and bring a generalized team... Which is the exact same answer in the game's current state with the amount of enemy spawn RNG.

    The better you get at accounting for RNG, the less you'll want to complain about it..

    "A huge problem in my opinion is that there is nothing that notifies you of drops after the fights. "

    We agree. The next patch rectifies this. You will receive a report on what was earned/lost.

    1. Good to hear that change is being implemented.

      I'm not sure if the RNG answer was directed at my post or as a general answer to complaints about RNG. As I said, I do not entirely agree that we should be able to know what's coming, but as a suggestion to reach some middleground in the discussion i offered my suggestions. Although far from perfect, I wanted to throw them out there.

      The double-clicking thing is a nice thought in regards to speeding up the process at the end of battle. My problem is that even when I select someone and double-click, it seems like the first one in line always fires first. Don't take my word for this, as I'm not sure that is how it works.
      And I don't always have a pistol on all four survivors either, so then I really don't wanna spam away.

      Sidenote: A kind of shortcut for passing a turn would also be nice, as this atleast is something I do frequently.

      - Hegre

    2. We're also adding keyboard controls for guard duty to make life even easier.

      We'll also try and somehow direct users to view the keyboard controls as well.

    3. The problem with RNG isn't about knowing what is coming. The best RPGs make sure that you don't know what is coming in a random encounter. The problem with RNG is when there is no consistency with the combat rolls, and for some magical reason, none of my shotgun users can get a point blank shot on a monster for three turns, while they have 100 skill with the weapon.

      THAT is the problem.

    4. Reposting response about PB shotguns missing; why my ego is too big and I am super staunch about you missing:

      Realistic Q: If a flimsy girl has fired a shotgun a few times, and decides to shoot an animal, that is... Kangaroo sized, pretty big, would she hit it?
      A: Yes. You got us. From a realistic standpoint, we have a problem. The game is unrealistic.

      Fictional Realistic Q: How fast can a genetically modified tyrannosaurus rooster dodge bullets at if they were shot from a mad scientist?
      A: As fast as I want it to, I made it up.

      Not really a Q: But that's not fair! The player would never expect a T-rooster to dodge like that if it existed!
      A: You're right. The fact that it can dodge this is problematic in that
      1. It defies a player's expectations.
      2. It's a far stretch from real, even in a fictional universe.

      So what could we do?
      Perhaps you could even suggest this: Add +40 accuracy to shotguns, and -10 for every square that it's farther away from you. (effectively giving you a +40 acc, range 1 shotgun).

      Now here are my points as to why we're resistant to such a change.
      1. Emotional feedback- Some characters have to suck at using weapons, like Olga. It should be as if she's shooting her shotgun and hitting the ceiling half the time. She just sucks, and this sense of awe is something I really like about this game.
      2. Giving our support characters the ability to shoot a shotgun up close circumvents the variable penalty of bringing them into the field. There are ways for support characters to help out during battle; ie Stamina powers, Maximum Firepower, etc. Enabling this suggestion means that all supports will likely carry shotguns and not need isabel's max firepower, disrupting a very delicate balance.
      3. RNG doesn't have to be about realism, it can be about strategy, risk, and reward- Consider this, if you shoot a gun in a pen and paper, you roll dice to simulate chance in a fictional world. You named Morrowind, another game that uses RNG for the sake of realism over gameplay. You keep swinging in that game because you don't really have to hope; the more swings you make, the more certain the victory or defeat is. The less certain it is, the more strategic it is when you have a choice.

      So uh, preemptive suggestion rejected. There are some *very* valid points saying that these dinos shouldn't be able to dodge PB shotguns, but... C'mon. I think we can agree, if shotguns didn't miss like this, it'd be a pretty glaring exception to the overall vibe.

    5. Funny how you call that mechanic broken when we already have a feature that shows you the exact accuracy on a selected enemy.

  19. My 2 cents

    Please for the love of all that is sacred, make guns do decent damage! They are purposebuilt machines for slaying living beings. They should NOT! have the same effect on a organic creature as a gentle summers breeze.

    Also, enemies come at you way to fast, would be fine if there was a save function but as there isnt one it´s just frustrating as you get locked in unwinnable positions.

    Difficulty seems way to high as I can barely get past day 10, ammo is far to scarce, fighting everyday quickly becomes frustrating and repetetive, Enemies have far to much HP and do an obscene amounts of damage.

    I really enjoy the storytelling but the fighting needs some serious overhauling before this game will hold any apeal.

  20. You want the guns to do a realistic amount of damage, because of realistic logic?

    Okay. Realistically, they're filming a science fiction TV show, so they want to have the bullets do minimal damage to encourage drama. Or "game design".

    Save during combat turns? Not as long as I live, lol. We have a save function in place that does pretty much the opposite of that, haha.

    Yes, we're working on it.
