Thursday, October 1, 2015

Last update before launch...(hopefully)

I started making these with the bottom two on the lower right corner (Isabel, Olga). Those were hastily done and didn't show a lot of emotion; basically just quick sprite edits. I decided it was worth the effort to draw the rest with a bit more personality. No, Zoe can't shoot while she's down (not that we haven't finalized that decision), it's just an homage to L4D2. I regret not being an animation virtuouso because it'd be really nice to see these characters breathing a lot.

I hope that when you see them in game, their struggles will endeavor you to get the fuck back up and keep it going.


  1. My cold heart is slowly warming thanks to all the effort being pumped into getting this game ready, thanks so much!

  2. Leave it Larry to be the only on to take a knee Beatrice must be overselling then

  3. Yay, now you can start work on AD4! The pre-hype is real.

    1. Maybe we should let the rest awhile unless it be more wise to strike while he still has his programmer available

  4. Come on come on come on come on come on

    1. uhhhh think we need like a day or 2. Something fell out.

    2. Take the day! Take two!! You want more?! Here!!! Take all the days I have!!!!!!! Just please fix it!!!!!!!!!

    3. Oh god I can't wait any longer. It's been YEARS.
