Thursday, October 8, 2015

Temporary balance patch

So we've been reading the feedback. It would be unfair for me to lump your opinions into one ball, so if you're uninformed or not so opinionated, you may read the player thoughts yourself. The takeaway though, is that it's too difficult, and sometimes unfairly so. Here are some things that will be patched...

-Easing the requirements to initiate a date
-Adding an exact basics requirement, if there is one, to the beginning of each date
-Adjusting the basics requirements
-Adjusting the starting ammunition
-Adding a mutiny-o-meter to show you when you're too close to mutiny, and when gifts for pissed off starsailors is a good idea.

Until that patch goes live, we're simply doubling the amount of starting ammunition you start a run with.
Simply doubling the ammo count does not fix the problem; the problem is that the issues above result in too much complexity and hidden information. Having an easier overall game should alleviate the issues in the meantime.

The double ammo count patch is live.


  1. Thanks for the prompt response, guys. Don't take the criticisms too hard. I, and I'm sure a lot of others, love what you've got. It could just use a little more polish. Looking forward to more from you.

  2. Ugh, even with more ammo I'm still having a tough time. There's never a battle where I get ahead. By the time the third week rolls shit starts hitting the fan because all of the little things start piing up. On the survival side it's decent and interesting, but it's super aggravating trying to get through the dating/hentai part of the game.

    1. It's okay to get pissed off. I really mean it too, the game's goal is to piss you off a bit.

      There's two sort of people that this game's supposed to cater to. Imagine if you will, if you magically turned into the Captain. You walk over to the girls, and they ask you
      Isabel: Good morning, Sir. We seem to have an ammunition shortage. What would you have me do?
      Player: Get down and suck mahh DIIIIIIIGK
      Isabel: I see. Place the Captain in the brig, it seems that he is under the influence of alien mind control.
      Larissa: Aye, ma'am.

      Now the objective here isn't to convert all you horny bastards into SJWs (just because you play as the captain, does not mean I expect you to empathize with him). You are supposed to feel a sense of survival and...I want you to have a hard time because if you win, it'll only feel that much better. It's a paternal sort of thing, just like when you get told that it'll hurt the first time but you'll start to like it eventually.

      There is the other sort of person that just loves to buy everything though. They're called whales in the MMO world, and the whales are the reason F2P is on the rise- The few rich dudes buy way more shit than the rest of the folk. So what happens when I tell a whale "hey, get your shit kicked and you'll have fun, I promise". They say "stfu, take my money, gimme easy mode". Unfortunately we're somewhat behind on sales, so microtransactions are in place, but if you'll inspect closely, you may notice that this game is not only P2W, it's also F2W. If you're good enough, you can totes beat the game without paying me a dime (apart from the story unlocks), and I love it that way.

      And if this post still super aggravates you? Well, if you aren't a whale, and if you aren't good, and if the next "somewhat easier" patch doesn't help you, then there comes a point where I just don't care, and I'd rather have my integrity.

      If I was rich, this game would not receive a balance patch. It's a work of art, and its difficulty is inherent to it.

    2. Fair enough that you have an intention in mind with this game. I respect that. All I ask is that you consider the issues that people have listed here. Games like Dark Souls and SMT are very notoriously difficult but reward skill that develops from natural gameplay. After playing this pretty regularly since release I am no better off than where I was when I started. I don't feel a sense of being challenged, simply being beaten. Fuck Dwarf Fortress. Fuck Don't Starve. Fuck FTL. Fuck every other game that's left me at my wit's end after hours of gameplay. But I love them all the same because there is still a sense of accomplishment. AD3 has the challenge, but it's too to access any proper reward.

      I have nothing against your design ideas or ethic. I'm not even asking for the hentai to be served on a silver platter. I just hope that you take these concerns that I and many others have to heart. Games can be art and I will be the first person to defend that ideology. But part of that art lies in the interaction between the media and audience. When the gameplay suffers so too does that link between media and audience. The best artists know when to step away from their own work.

      I sincerely hope you don't let all these comments get to you. I understand it fucking sucks to get this kind of reception on release after all your work. But I also hope you realize that a lot of us love your old work, want to support you, and really want to like this game.

    3. This is exactly how i feel, nothing to add.

    4. A work of art, Love?
      Art can be seen in many forms, so I suppose Anguish is, in that sense, a form of art.
      But if you were a true artist, you'd never be satisfied with what you've created.
      You wouldn't dare to call something perfect.
      Keep your integrity, or pride, or whatever it is you'll label it as that day.
      And let this Anguish Art stand and burn as your last attempt at something that was going to be great, but your pride got in the way.
      Goodbye, Love.

  3. Maybe I've just got bad luck, maybe I keep triggering branches with my too-low stats. I dunno.

    But man, the captain keeps coming across as kind of a dick in the stories I try. Larissa's, and he won't try to save a weeping woman's kid, Isabel's, and he can't wait to murder a buncha high schoolers, Terra's and... well, in hers he just makes a lame come-on that ruins the mood, but you get the picture.

    I keep starting over to try another one, and I keep getting disappointed with the result's all. I haven't finished enough of the game to be comfortable with the survey, just leaving that feedback here. Rest of the game's okay. It's... fair *enough*, though sometimes I really do feel like I'm flinging spitballs over here.

    1. I'm not quite sure I agree with you? Haha. Yes, sometimes he can be a dick, but sometimes he's a wayyy better guy than AD1/AD2 guys were.

    2. See, I don't think you're *wrong*, but I guess it tended to be funnier when they were, which took the edge off. And... I guess I feel a little cheated I don't have the option to say no, even if it means being wrong and losing points.

  4. I think I read in the "Initial thoughts?" post that you guys are still working on nerfing the difficulty of the game. But seriously, please to do take everyone's advice in regards to knocking down the combat notch.

    The problem isn't a lack of ammo; its that RNJesus from Destiny basically rules this game's combat mechanics. I swear I got bodied by one of the moose enemies during my last battle, and I couldn't touch it with anything for five turns straight. I am legitimately intrigued by the story of the game, but I can't experience any of it without getting bodied by the seemingly-random combat.

  5. The best way to ease combat difficulty would be to implement some kind of "scanning" system, like, you are shown what mobs could spawn with bigger possibility before a night raid.
    Cause, you know, rhinos go down relatively easy if you have Elaine and Larissa, but if they are not in the team and rhinos spawn...then u are fukd possibly.
    OR when the eggs spawn and you dont have Olga and Beatrice, ur also fukd.
    This way you would at least have a chance to act according to strategy, and it wouldnt be depending on luck so much.
    I think the challenge is a must in a dating game like this, to advance in baby steps, cause if ya get all the girls in 10 minutes then theres no reason to ever replay it. Its like all those SEGA games, ya fail, you have motivation to get back and do better, you reach a new date scene with some character as reward for your hard work.
    Difficulty rating does seem too random though. I was able to hold off 3 waves of +8 Diff rating at the beginnin of the game, yet when i went back to -5 diff area, i was blown away by a pack of rhinos and i didnt have elaine to chop the shields off.
    Also, the assault rifle seems useless as hell.
    Just my 2 cents

  6. I'm with Nan Yang on some type of scanner or heads up system. Cause tbh the little difficulty estimation does nothing later ingame. The -8 to 0 difficulty, can end up giving u some hellish combinations...

    1. Well spent the whole day playing and figuring out this game during workhours, now that i actually have the points to be able to have some H with 2 girls (Veronica and Isabelle) i cannot do so, cause its like 10th time the combat freezes on me, and it deletes my hard earned autosave. It keeps rolling me back to day 12 when i was already at day 18-22, i spent some cash for items from the andromeda shop to help me overcome this challenge, but srsly, i go into a room of -5 diff, 0 drops, and the game spawns eight rabbits on me with terminator mickey mooses.
      Now the only weapon that actually does damage is the assault rifle, but the drawbacks are just too much, if i waste 1 round to jam sensors i die of rabbits, if i dont, i die of mooses. While i was able to make further progress than before, i am now on same opinion with the others. It seems the enemies are leveling up and get stronger as ingame time passes, but your teammates still cant shoot for sh!t, and the protagonist sure doesnt get tougher either

    2. What makes it worse is that if you end up winning the battle you're gonna have one of the following: destoryed barriers, dead character, or low hp?sp?mp?. But you can't address them all so you have to give up one of the following and you PRAY the next round takes mercy on you.

    3. -8 difficulty is comparatively easy, but it's not actually easy. Try doing it on +7 difficulty instead, and you'll see the difference.

      Eggs are supposed to be able to spawn on Day 1, because if they didn't you wouldn't bring any sniper rifles.

      Quite early in the game's cycle, we had a small amount of enemy types in the beginning. Zombies and healers only, and then as the days went on, the enemy type numbers grew.

      The result was that Terra became day 1 OP. She would just use her deep fry sprinklers and kill all the zombies. AD3 relies on entertaining you for hours and hours of entertainment, so how could we reliably do this, if every run was the same, the strats were the same, and quite frankly it was fucking lame. It wasn't about nerfing Terra's power, because the next thing was just going to be OP if you always knew what the enemies were.

      The fact that you don't know what enemies are going to come out is what makes the planning section so important. From the dating standpoint, it's clear in the current revision of the game that you have to make sure both daters are not doing anything but dating that day. What's not crystal clear from the getgo is that weapon diversification is absolutely important, that or having what you need to get through to the next day.

      A Scanner function was actually discussed, but it never came to fruition because we didn't want to clog the UI. In the long run, what would it have done anyways? It would have cost a shitton of energy to use, because we want to reward players that are able to mitigate risk while accounting for chance.

    4. Lots of games have lots of things that ultimately become 'Too OP' or 'Requires Nerfing' or 'Needs buff'. It's not exactly lame to have one character who can do more than others. What's lame is having them all equal. I bet there's a few OP combinations even you haven't thought of yet, though I doubt they'll be considered as such, since you managed to generate such great difficulty in the enemies. I hope you change the game. I really do. I have my doubts you'll listen to me, which is a real shame. We've come so far, after all... That's all.

  7. Just my two cents...

    It seems like combat is difficult just for the sake of not allowing the player to just roll through the game and block off the rest of the content. That might have been fine back in the 80s and 90s but game design has changed since then.

    It should feel challenging and rewarding but not cheap. There's so much to balance outside of combat that when you get into battles, you're constantly thinking about other factors. Not to mention that battles lack so much information and stats, that it feels like you're shooting in the dark.

    Like it was said earlier, if I paid for the content and want to see the story, I shouldn't be barred from seeing it by one aspect of the gameplay that's so unforgiving that you have to play near perfectly.

    This is all on top of the fact that you have to replay everybody's stories to make different decisions. Thinking about having to replay the combat is tedious and a huge turn-off.

    1. It has been said that the creator is the master of their own design. What seems easy enough for them is a burden to those outside of their bubble. I remember the 'Cook telling me something akin to that a while back (maybe even up to a year). That's his greatest issue.

      I loved the prequels of this game. They shaped the genre at the time, creating something fresh and exciting with numerous possibilities that mattered. Where did it all go astray? I still believe that this game can be like that -- Another 'great' in a long line of great things. It will require change. I know you can read this. We need you to look back and find that same sort of inspiration you had back then. The game is made now, and we know it. To reshape it entirely would be a massive undertaking. But to have even 10 percent of what the old games had... No, even 1 percent... I think changing a game by 1 percent is not a lot to ask for, and it's certainly a step in the right direction. We'll be the voices to guide you along the way.

      You just have to trust.

  8. I don't know if you have answered this or not but what happened to the voice acting for the game? . I never saw a post talking about it no longer going to be apart of the game.

    1. Just to clarify, Voice Acting for AD3 is not present in the early access version. However, we do plan to include them as soon as possible.

    2. It's comin, as soon as I can afford it. Go watch that trailer again, and see how much care I put into casting that shit. I want it to happen just as much as you do, and you betcha I'll make it happen.

  9. After two days of playing this game, I'm officially giving up. This game is ridiculously hard. In order to get ammo, you need to spend lots of ammo, health, and barricades. The aiming system is unreasonable, missing point blank shots when they have 100 skill. It takes way too long to get health back, even when sitting in a hospital. The dating elements give no clear goal as to what points you should be spending in what, leading to frustrating realizations that the girl you wanted is now impossible to finish with. You only get one point per day to apply to skills, which means by day 15 you are probably on death's bed with not enough points to continue dating successfully. There's no proper way to rebuild barricades. You can purchase an item that will rebuild them, but those have to be found and there's no way to tell where you get them from or if you'll even get them at all. There's also now way to upgrade your defenses, which seems blasphemous in game purely about survival and defense. The dates themselves, while I have little experience, or confusing as fuck. I've tried to focus on Larissa, and after 4-5 dates I haven't been able to see one sign that she is at all interested in the character romantically, which just makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I even gave her a burger that she damn near gave me a BJ over, and her affection stayed the same, sitting at 0.

    The logic of this game is confusing, and it's gameplay is muddled with inconsistencies and poor design choices. And all this serves to keep me and many other like me from what we actually were paying for, a dating sim. I don't mind having gameplay in a dating sim, I'd prefer it actually, but this is just obscene. It'd suggest adding in difficulty modes, defensive upgrades, making it so that the barricades automatically rebuild themselves each night, setting clear prompts as to what skills you need for which girl and if a date was successful or not, and adjusting the accuracy system so you don't miss as many shots when there's no damned way they should have missed, especially since ammo is scarce and the barricades are so weak.

    Rant over. I want to support you, and I love what you're trying to do, but the game in its current state is just unplayable and needs a huge nerf, or at least the option.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "There's no proper way to rebuild barricades."

      The barricades can also be repaired by assigning repairers.

      "I even gave her a burger that she damn near gave me a BJ over, and her affection stayed the same, sitting at 0."

      I have confirmed this to be a bug. That should've given you heaps of affection. I will fix that along with the next balance patch.

  10. I'm looking forward to the patch to make the game easier, things keep spiraling down after 20+ days for me.
    I feel like I'm not getting enough ammo out of the drops, more like playing it even instead of gaining more ammo.

    1. Congratulations and you'll be in my prayers. You poor soul. You actually spent the time through all the frustration to beat this game.

    2. Thanks, but why am I poor soul when I chose to spend my free time on something challenging? I'm not preaching to everyone that they should do what I did, but you should just let me do what I want instead of being judgmental.

  11. Bought the game but i think i'll wait for the patch and the voices to start playing again.It doesnt make sense how difficult it is and i'm wondering how you didn't noticed the anomalies before you lunched the game.

    Either way i'm sure you'll do your best to fix it as soon as you can and it's really cool that you guys responded to the issues immediately.

  12. I've been waiting for this game for about two years. However, I think I'll wait a bit longer for some of these patches. The general consensus seems to be that it's too hard and that the dates don't make sense. Once these problems are addressed I'll certainly give you my $10. Big fan of AD2 and it would be nice to get a game in that vein with a good combat system... which is what this game aims to be but apparently misfires.

    1. 10 dollars? I paid 15... Did that give me an advantage of some sort? At this point, the game is so hard that I really cannot tell...

    2. Oh, here it is. Gifts and various supplies... I doubt this will help much.

  13. To be fully honest, I think the combat system needs a considerable overhaul. It should serve to make the game more enjoyable and fluid, to add some interest to the dating sim. Right now, it's serving as more of a deterrent than an aid. It's simply too off putting. I'm sure that there are more than a fair number of people who simply aren't interested in it. My suggestion would be to add a 'story mode' difficulty of sorts,such as other such games have had. To clarify, the 'story mode' difficulty reduces the difficulty of combat to such a degree that its more a formality than a mechanic. It lets people enjoy a bit of the combat scenario, while also allowing them to remain focused on what they are really interested in.

    1. A 'Casual' mode, if you will?

    2. Nope. Notice our business model is P2W, and also F2W. You can either choose to pay to make the game easier, or play well, and not pay.

  14. Hopefully the patch fixes the difficulty people are having with the combat it get's really repetitive when your battles are tough and you get little in return in points to spend an ammo. It feels no matter what area your in the difficulty are almost similar. It takes away from the dating sim and becomes more of a chore for people.

    1. I foresee that this will be the first patch of many. The creators are rather stubborn when it comes to difficulty, but we'll guide them as best we can with our words. =)

  15. If your looking for thoughts, here are mine:

    - First, is it just me, but does nobody have a voice in the game? The toggle mute buttons dont do anything. Can someone tell if I'm just glitched or can anyone else actually hear voice actors?

    - I like the characters. Their a fun bunch that work well off each other. No complaints here.

    - You said you're doing this, but the bar needs to be lowered for approval checks. Doesn't have to be massive, but the first approval check should be about 5.More than that is kind of ridiculous honestly.

    - Finally, the game's combat difficulty needs to be toned down. I'm getting my ass kicked on easy areas and when I have a good amount of resources. Either the RNG is buggered, or the enemies move too quickly and do too much damage. (I'd also consider lowering how much damage they take. Only by a tad though.)

    I've been a supporter for a while, and I certainly wont give up on this title. I'll come back around when the next patch is released.

    1. All in all, everyone seems to have the same opinion here: The game's too hard. Hopefully they do more than slightly tweak a few things.

  16. I don't recommend this game unless they patch up the combat because its way too hard trying to finish the story while trying to build a relationship with a fellow girl when you get little in return for every battle. Enemies feel the same no matter if your in the slums or hospital/etc which is a serious issue when players need time to rest as their character become exhausted.

    I understand trying to extend a game playtime and make it more challenging but having something become so repetitive is what kills a game replay value. Combat needs to be a meaningful thing that enhances a game like this not a obstacle. There has to be a balance so advice in future games don't make something that takes away from what the game intended to deliver.


    1. Yeah, combat's not even fun. For the skills the heroes can use, all we get out of them is one or two uses before they need to rest for two days to be back at full. Sure, they look a little flashy, but it's a moot point that leaves you feeling hopeless when it's over. And I must concur that, at this point, each enemy is just another grey, shapeless blob with a slightly different health bar and movement speed. It's unfortunate, but the combat system they're so proud of is failing miserably.

  17. The combat is indeed a bit to difficult, as there's no way to get in downtime to recover.. eventually all your characther's drained.

    1. Apparently, it can be done, as two people have beaten it so far (I imagine they nearly killed themselves to do it). I must agree with you, though -- The game is rather brutal at current.

  18. Was there supposed to be voice acting in this?

    1. At some point, yes, I do believe they planned for it. There is a MUTE setting for all girls in the options. Now, whether they cater to this glaringly obvious mistake is up to them. Perhaps in further patches, they will edit out that menu entirely, as they seem to have quite a number of issues on their plate already.

  19. Tried playing it for a little bit. Here's the good and the bad:

    Characters are great, fun dialogue

    Gameplay is too complex and has too many elements. The tutorial isn't very good at explaining stuff. You should start with simpler combat system and then gradually add on complexity as the game progresses.

    Takes too long to see some hentai.

    1. All of these points are valid and must be addressed.

  20. I Don't think many people are getting it. It is difficult yes, and it should be slightly tampered with. But he intended this to be slightly rouge-like. If you don't prepare;you're dead. Now I do think that the room difficulty is slightly off and could be better tuned, and there does need to be a slight increase in the amount of health they receive while resting. But honestly? The combat isn't overly complex. It takes looking at the chart, knowing who's good with what and what abilities you should be using. Something like that comes through playtime,through trial and error. Now I'm not belittling anyone and your opinions are as valid as mine, but I think that with a few tweaks here and there, we'll have a rock solid game.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with more hit point regen and raise you more of the other two regen (SP and Morale if I recall correctly?). The game would be more viable with greater regen on all accounts.

  21. I don't think that the combat is too complex, the problems are the rapidly increasing difficulty in later stages of the game and the huge RNG factor. You can read the charts all you want, if 5 Badbitts and 2 Moose are coming at you in the Slums you better hit all shots or you lose 1 Guard and after day 15-20 that means losing too many viewers and Game Over.
    Planing and combat would be fun, if you wouldn't get punished so hard by factors you can't affect.
    And talking about preparing, why do the monsters have the first turn. Are my guards resting all day long? If that's the case they should atleast regenerate some stats.

    1. "Why do the monsters have the first turn?"

      I don't think there is a particular reason for that. I also don't think there's a particular reason to let the player have his turn either. If for some reason the balance patch doesn't fix the difficulty, then we might consider tweaking that.

      "Are my guards resting all day long? If that's the case they should at least regenerate some stats."

      Logic-wise, it doesn't really make sense. However, we intend that to be a part of our gameplay.

    2. Jungl3Curr1,

      This is a different anon from the above. You say that it doesn't make sense logic-wise but you intended it to be a part of the gameplay. This strikes me as unusual as your design vision seems to want a lot of realism. Your justification for the requirement that dates only take place while resting is basically realism. Then you go back and say this doesn't make sense but ignore it.

      I'm a kickstarter backer that hasn't tried this game just yet and I think I'm going to wait until the next balancing patch comes out. I've never seen a gaming community so unanimously declare that a game was too hard before. I've seen communities say a game was too easy but never too hard, not as much as I've seen so far from this game.

      I have yet to read a single review that doesn't say the combat is at least a little excessive and/or needs tweaking. I'm sure that there is somebody out there that thinks the game is fine as is, but if this many people think it is over the top, it probably needs a massive nerf. Not small tweaks here and there to the balancing changes but fundamental major overhaul changes. A few people have suggested adding in different difficulties which is probably a good idea.

      I am glad to see that there will be an effort to increase transparency though. That is definitely a step in the right direction.

    3. Realism doesn't have to do much with plotholes or game design.

      Here's a plothole. If the Millenium Falcon randomly jumps into hyperspace near Tatooine, what are the consequences of making a miniscule jump? There isn't one (to my knowledge), so the lore breaks. The force is not realistic, but the rules of the universe allow it, and you have to allow for suspension of belief (as long as the rules the universe sets does not contradict itself).

      As far as Aching Dreams 3 goes, I've written, I think 10 pages of just FAQs on possible plotholes and how to ensure that they never spring up. For the most part, the story, to my knowledge, does not have many relevant plotholes, but the reader may believe some are there because information is kept hidden from him (and since this is a POV piece, some things are simply never explained, except in the FAQ). Now I've done game design as well, and working in both departments means that the story had to fall in line with the gameplay, and vice versa.

      There are actually a few certain liberties I've taken with the game to ensure that there weren't any plotholes, you can see this with Olga's story. Her whole story's just a screenplay, so I have the freedom to go crazy with w/e and get away with it in her stories. A small bit of that liberty extends to fights as well.

      That's because the fights are actually televised and heavily edited. Many of the aliens are killed by traps before entering the hallway. There's actually more than one hallway, and the aliens surround the base frequently. But you don't have to do any guard duty on that side of the base, because it's guarded by huge burly dudes that can actually shoot worth a damn. They do just fine, but they never get televised.

      To properly answer your question: The monsters get the first turn because the director of the show mandated that they be allowed to move first, in order to create tension for the viewers.

  22. Can you please tell me how do i manually delete my save files ?
    Looks like my save slots are full, cause game doesnt save past 12 days, and repeatedly deletes my auto save (resume game) after freezing me out of combat, along with my downloaded consumables.

  23. nevermind about the consumable issue, seems like it fixes itself when i start a new game

  24. I dont know if its just me, but no matter if i reset data, the game saves last on 12 day, after that, no more save, you die - you roll back to day 12.
    So the whole thing is just a big rush to reach 20 in a stat before all is over. Even if i manage to put that + in, i cant - even with the help of the shop- manage to claim the 20stat scene with the chosen character.
    Did anybody reach it yet?

    1. My saves were on day 17, 22 and 27 IIRC
      Will check later

    2. Okay thanks. Wow day 27, amazing!
      Im at 18 atm, stage 8 at Veronica story finally, but with 27 rep points she says no :/
      Did you get any H yet? How much points are needed for smthing to happun ?

    3. To back up my claim from before:

      I just completed Larissa's story, there were H-scenes but I'm not gonna spoil anything besides that ;)

    4. Yus! Nice job, and i completed Veronica's just now, finally, without shop items this time ;D
      next up gunn be Isa

    5. Nice! I'm taking a break for now though, this game drained my psyche after wanting to reach the ending lol. I can finally sleep after seeing the true ending now haha. Good luck with Isa ;)

    6. Lmao good night! I'll rest as well cause gun's dry (no pun intended,) will need a new save or a ninja patch that makes handguns do damage :>

  25. Tbh, I hope you manage to bring out the patch soon cause after a certain point it becomes unplayable. I get the comparison with Dark Souls or Binding of Isaac in terms of how hard this game can bend you over and repeatedly violate you with a cactus. But at least in those games you don't get screwed over by the complete randomness of stuff. After 2 days of gaming, it just strikes me how random it can be.
    I'm not saying it has to be exactly the same every time but it can't be that the game completely butt fucks me 4 days in a row with rooster and moose spam while I'm in an easy area trying to patch up my combat crew to go scavenge stuff from the harder areas.

    This becomes increasingly annoying when this stuff happens 4 day into the goddamn game. I usually get somewhere between day 15 and 20 on most runs but at least 20-30% I just get violated so hard I think you'd get a death penalty in some states in the USA for it.

    Combine that with all the hidden info (needed affection, needed stats), the fact that the game saves and you have no option to delete certain saves (it's all or nothing, I mean you got to be kidding right?). And the inability to save the game yourself, you just hope that the next time you try to patch up your combat crew you don't get a wave that defies the laws of nature in an easy area.

    So I like the things that get patched but I'd really like you to change some things.
    - Allow us delete certain saves, not all or nothing
    - Allow us to either save or fix the issue that you get inhumane waves only a handful of days into the game

    P.S. Yes I know this might seem like I'm pissed and I'm definitely a bit pissed, but also understand that as a consumer I have a right to vent my complaints about the game I bought. I mean I don't think it was ever communicated that the game would contain more hidden info than the American government collects on entire year. Or that we'd be playing Demons Souls meets very unfavorable RNGeesus...

    /End rant

    1. Wow, the game won't even let you save whenever you want? That sounds horrible. I'm glad I'm waiting for the polish before trying this ball of frustration.

  26. Hmm, it seems as though future blog posts have commenting disabled. This is the last place where our voices are going to be heard. Hentaicook stood true to his word that he's just going to stop caring, not only by standing idle, but in silencing (and thus alienating) his fanbase. How sad.

    1. Ummm...excuse me... Look at how I reply to these posts. I love to defend my points. Been making this game for four years. Hell yes please talk as much as you want; if it says that comments are disabled, then I'm pretty sure it was not intentional.

      If you actually believe that I would ever silence criticism against me, *that's* sad.

    2. Hmm, then it seems to be an issue isolated exclusively to me. I can still post on older messages, just not the most recent one. Very strange...

  27. I understand there are changes coming, so I will try to keep my comments away from things that are already being addressed. Personally I am not really enjoying it so much thus far, though.

    -Alleviating the difficulty of the game is necessary, but I think that if it wasn't brutally difficult, you run a very serious risk of the combat simply becoming tedious. It's fun for a while but having to go through the same song and dance every night gets really frustrating, and not in a good way.

    -I don't know how you can even play this game without picking the Soldier class. I've tried other classes, and without Isabelle I just get spanked because my characters can't hit for squat. Eventually she has to rest, and even on -8 levels I end up getting spanked later into the game. This is not an issue of Soldier being OP, it's an issue of necessity because some battles are simply unwinnable without that buff.

    -Gameplay-wise, my biggest criticism is that this game does not provide enough reward on a continuous basis to hold my interest. In AD1 and 2 you had the big h-scene at the end, but you had teases along the way to keep you going. I've made it to day 15 and all I've seen is punishment. Players need incentives to keep going in order to have some semblance of accomplishment, otherwise it just feels like a never-ending death spiral that could see you commit hours upon hours of your time just to get stuck and die with no reward at all.

    -The save functionality really needs work. I would love to play this game offline, or have the save somehow tied to my Andrograde account so I can play from my laptop. But having it tied to browser history just does not work. As you can imagine, people into this particular genre may have need to clear their browser history on a regular basis...

    Anyway, that's all I can think of right now. I've been waiting a long time for this one and there are a lot of things I like about it which have already been touched on. These are just some areas I found that I think could use improvement.


  28. Meh I'm not interested in bea for AD3 sex scenes definitely for the next game I am though if she takes a more upfront role but how many ppl even have access to making extra scenes in the game thanks to their payment?

  29. This just happened...
    Yeah, I know I am in the armory, but I do wish that there would be some sort of preview for this fight. At the very least, a more narrow range of the night fight's difficulty, so that I can compare fights and know what to expect.

  30. Did my last post go thru?

    Please fix the RNG for large characters and shotguns. It's a little ridiculous when you have 4-5 games where at least two of your girls COMPLETELY MISS LARGE ENEMIES WITH A SHOTGUN WHEN THEY ARE ONE STEP AWAY. I can understand them missing rats and it being based on morale or whatever, but when you are facing those dinosaurs and moose things and missing one step away it's ridiculous.
