Friday, September 5, 2014


3p0- Woke from 10 hours of intermittent sleep. I've been on caffeine too much.
4p1- Internetted
5p2- Ate.
6p3- Did voice casting.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 10/10
7p4- More voice casting.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 10/10
8p5- Organized new tasks. Studied.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 5/10
9p6- Worked on new trailer.
Difficulty 3/10 Efficiency 10/10
10p7- Studied.
Difficulty 7/10 Effciency 7/10
11p8- Was never completely happy with Stella's ending. A lightbulb went off in my head and I rewrote the ending to be much, much better.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 10/10
12a9- Finished rewriting Stella's ending. Studied.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 10/10
1a10- Studied. Looked around for a free royalty free recording of Blue Danube and Coppelia Waltz. Nope.
Difficulty 8/10 Efficiency 8/10
2a11- Studied.
Difficulty 8/10 Efficiency 6/10
3a12- Finished studying for the day. I am a third done with studying programming. If I can keep this rate up, I'll be ready to assist the lead programmer in 12 days.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 8/10
4a13- Looked for some public domain space images. I'm thinking of settling with no space backdrop, kind of like how in pictures of the moon, you don't see any stars because of local light sources. That sort of emptiness definitely gives a better "dark planet" vibe. All the pictures of space are too pretty anyways. Worked on first day rewrite.
Difficulty 4/10 Efficiency 10/10
5a14- Worked on first day rewrite.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 9/10
6a15- Worked on first day rewrite. Dying.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 8/10
7a16- Ate a bagel while experiencing a class 9 stomach ache.
Difficulty 10/10
Well that's one successful day.


  1. What ever happened to that unused voice acting from AD2? And are any of those same actresses going to be in AD3?

    1. It's a money thing. I will put AD2's VAs in after sales come in from AD3.

  2. Speaking of dark planet why is it called that if they never are on a planet just a space station?

    1. Ahhh, copy and pasted from my unreleased faq:

      • Why is the game called The Dark Planet?
      This was a tentative title for a long time, but kickstarter necessitated a title, so I went with it sort of blindly. Originally the story concept was to have a planet tidally locked with the sun. The dark side of the planet never gets any sun, and that’s how Iacchans thrived; either on the dark side of the planet, or burrowing underground. There are a few things that changed though. Game design wise, a relatively still planet would be hard to design a game for, if AD4 or 5 ever took place on Iacchus. Some other reasons came up such as tidal locking the station to the dark or light side. For now, I can only retcon the title by saying that the Iacchans thrive during the night time, on the Dark side of the Planet. It’s weak.

      So it doesn't fully answer your question. The answer is, it's not that great of a title but I can't really go back.

  3. I call it aching dreams anyway so I doesn't hurt me much mainly my friend was curious though I don't think I can convince him to buy it (I'm thinking of buying it twice so he can be forced to play) oh well since I was so harshly shot down to voice in it I may as well buy it twice and cry to my mother about what you dentures me of while showing her the game and it's scenes XD

  4. Hentai games are a private and personal activity. Sharing the experience is not recommended. 2D forever.
