Tuesday, September 9, 2014


9/8- Did some voice acting stuff, got lots of exercise, but not much work done.

2p0- Woke.
3p1- Listened to the voices in my PC, ate.
I have to say, that this gem is probably one of the funniest voice over demos I've had the pleasure of listening to.

I have a spreadsheet with potential actresses. I first evaluate the actress based on her ability to act, her willingness to perform sexual scenes, the sexiness of her voice, and the cost. Most of the time, these factors are clouded in mystery. Take for instance, a woman that was scouted through a sex based ad- While that woman would be GGG, her ability to act is in question, and I would have to do some internet sleuthing (stalking) in order to determine the accuracy of all the factors. The aforementioned factors make up for the overall rating of the actress. 

Next, I rate the actresses based on how well I believe they would perform with each character. I've gotten some audition files, but I admit there is some guesswork involved. Some actresses have a great range and can voice many characters, some can only voice one or two.

Next we have the characters themselves. Some have leading roles, some do not. In the order of how much of a leading role the characters are: (does not reflect the quality of the role!)
S tier= Olga, Isabel, Larissa, Terra
A tier= Zoe, Stella
B tier= Elaine
C tier= Veronica
D tier= Beatrice, Carmen

So the actresses that have the highest overall score usually get the first pick for the leading roles, unless there's an actress who has a low range. After that I give them a sample of the dirty script, and they either say "cool with me" or they flip the fuck out and run for the hills, and that's how Willy Wonka Chocolate Bars are made!

Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 10/10
4p2- Worked with voice actors. Ate.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 10/10
5p3- Worked with voice actors. Ate.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 10/10
6p4- Worked with voice actors.
Difficulty 1/10 Efficiency 10/10
7p5- Studied.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 5/10
8p6- Conversed with lead programmer, organized some UI elements. Studied a little.
Difficulty 2/10 Efficiency 10/10
10p8- Failed for two hours.
11p9- Studied.
Difficulty 9/10 Efficiency 3/10


  1. Sounds awkward... :|

    1. I assume you're talking about the demo. Yeah, most of the voices I'm looking for are deeper in tone, since they're very much women and not children, but we'll see how it goes.

  2. Wait so does this mean Beatrice has a very weak role in the game?

  3. Yeah, there's very little of her in the game because she's a supporting character. All of the other girls in the game have 5-10 stories, but Beatrice has none. She still makes plenty of cameos in other stories though. It's possible she can make a big return in the expansion.

  4. Consider me official warned atleast
