Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Came back from the dentist. She said I was brushing good...except now she wants me to brush three times a day. (sigh) Who the hell does that?!... Nobody answer that!!

I've been watching some ER, although I gave up on it. That show cohesive plot. It's as if they have some sort of ER plot generator.  (Doctor) George Clooney is treating the (patient) Hot Broad 's (Ailment type) cancer. (Now add dramatic flair) Clooney likes her and biasedly puts her treatment before other patients. The problem with the show seems to be that they handle tons of medical cases in one episode. There's so many cases that each individual case feels insignificant. But what do I know... I've only subjected myself to three episodes. Eugh. I'm just trying to come up with some plot for Veronica (the darkish doctor). I'm watching this stuff to get some inspiration on the matter, but from here it seems pretty simple.

The fact that we're on a space station with limited supplies, zombies, and only one chief doctor is already enough fresh air for the medical drama genre anyways. It sure beats the hell out of "Old man loves his dying comatose wife, wants her to go for respirator, wife briefly comes out of coma, elects for death, old man accepts, the end".

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