Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Problems, Release Schedule,

First off, there's email problems. On behalf of the guy who's screwing up the emails, (okay, he deserves to be named for his errors)... On behalf of Will, we apologize for the email accounts screwing up because they're too long to fit in the field, we're giving out replacement emails so keep on the lookout for that!

Here's the current and tentative release schedule

29th/30th- Fix the inevitable bugs.
31st-3rd Work on animating a few things that aren't currently animated, pay these voice actresses money to get back to work on it...
4th-7th Add a new story mission

8th-14th- Add some new story mission, hold votes for favorite character for preorderers/august purchase...

15th-21st- add some new animations, finish the votes...

22st-31st- Add that favorite character.


  1. Just something i noticed trying to get this to work. If your using the Google chrome browser, you have to pretty much reset your caches, because it is loading an outdated version of the website. Or just use a different browser, Firefox is working for me.
    Again just a heads up. Pretty sure there's nothing you can do about it, it's just how chrome works :/

  2. yes, there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

  3. when can we download the full version
    i havent preorderd so whats the link to buy it

  4. Go to unlock AD2S at the top of town...

    Buy the game for 10 dollars at andrograde.

  5. i tried to buy it but it keeps showing that i dont have any tokens even though i have 1100

  6. erm, can you email me your login? I'll have the andrograde guy look at it.

  7. whats your email? sorry im not sure what it is

  8. email me both your name and pass
