Sunday, July 18, 2010



  1. Wow, this is looking really good so far... so glad I preordered!
    I have a couple of questions though:
    1. How do you know who to send the game out to when it's done? Do Paypal send you the email addresses of everyone who donates?
    2. How will we get the game? As a link to play online?

    Anyway, keep up the good work, this is looking fantastic =D

  2. 1. If you've paid for it, I will email the paypal address on the day of release a special password to play the game. If you didn't get it, simply give me the transaction number (every paypal transaction has one), and I'll give you a new code.

    2. You'll get the game one of two ways to be determined at release. I'm trying to get it on a specific portal site, but additional work (business and programming related) has to be done before that happens.

    If that doesn't work out as planned, the backup plan is simply to password protect's download page.
