Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Me

Well I've got all these bottled up feelings, and I need to get them out.

Happy Birthday Me. I'm 25. 33% of Life Completed.

"What's this? We don't pay you to think. We pay you to draw porn." Ahh yes. About that, it's not done. I'm considering drinking. Alone.

Well, what do I want? Do I want my ex to come crashing in here to say she's sorry, and to give me my birthday blowjob? Well, partially no. I don't want her back, but the whole oral sex thing is quite missed. I don't want her back, but I don't want her to read that I don't want her back. Ashley, if you're reading this, I need some damn time. A long time.

I remember last year I was begging her to stay. Don't stay. In a way I wish you would have left sooner. Living another year of bliss with you was great. But now I'm back to square one again...and better for it. In a way I respect your decision to cheat on me. Life wasn't getting better for either of us, and you took a preemptive action. Who cares about the guy you were spending your life with before? Don't worry about him, he'll be fine.

I've got a game to make and I'm excited about it. I'm going to finish that, and then I'm going to feel accomplished enough to look for a woman. See? That's me telling myself everything's great again. I have constantly written it down in many different ways. Sometimes I need the abridged version. Other times it's going right here.

If Ashley thinks she can find someone better than me... Well, shit. I can do it too. There really is billions of girls left.

I was reading Men's Journal today, because I get that magazine for some reason. There's an article about this guy that at the age of 30, QUIT his job to start playing golf professionally. He wants to get into the PGA Tour. "Becoming a world class expert in any field, from software design to concert violin, requires 10,000 hours of practice. Usually that means 10 years of hard work or deliberate practice..."

The article really touches me. You can change your life whenever you want. You can kill yourself, you can drive to hollywood and become an actor, or you can try to become a pro golfer. Society gives us the groundwork. Steady job, steady marriage, steady steady. But we can break this illusion anytime we want to pursue what we want.

He says "I wanted a challenge that was nearly impossible, but theoretically possible, so Golf."

I've made my decision already. Gonna work hard on this game, and next year I'll be out and about riding across America. Crazy shit. I want to go Urban Exploring. It's where you break into abandoned buildings and take pictures. Sometimes people find Meth Labs and get KILLED. And then I want to ride a motorcycle.

Okay. I'm going to 7-Eleven to get some Birthday Snacks.


  1. Hang in there - having been through some serious breakups i know it gets hard to see the future but it's there. Things will get better and one day you'll look back and wonder what you were upset about and marvel at how much better your life is. Just the perspective of a grizzled vet.

  2. Thanks for comforting words. I just got back from 7-11 after an hour of shooting the shit with the guy that worked there.

  3. Happy B-day! Keep your focus!

  4. Happy Birthday HC! You're a talented guy, never forget that.

  5. I want to go Urban Exploring too. Except replace abandoned buildings with women's bedrooms.

  6. Best of luck for the last update :D

  7. Any word on the update?

  8. After reading this post it reminded me a bit of what happened to me. Yeah I know, who gives a damn what Mr. Anon has to say, but meh I felt like I should share this. Back in 05 I was dating a girl named Beth. We wasn't really going anywhere but life seemed dandy, play some games go to work come home repeat. Until the day I came home and....well she was in the bed with someone else. For along time I couldn't figure out what to do so I just sit down...played games....went to work....same ol' same ol'. Then I started talking to this girl on one of my online games...(nerdy I know but bare with me) so I thought what the hell, I'm going to be adventurous and see how this goes. Long story short I ended up flying out to California from Kentucky 7 times x,x. Finally after hell and high water with her family she came back with me....we lived together for 3 years then finally got married in 08.
    Guess what I'm trying to say is, the best things in life are just like that golfer said....they take 10,000 plus hours to achieve, but its worth it in the end to get what you want from life.

    Anyways I'm sure that you'll succeed in your dream to make a great game, travel the world and dammit man you'll find a great girl too! Key to it is dedication.

    Well, I'm sorry I rambled on with this post. Enjoy your Birthday.
    Your Fan,
    Mr. Anon

  9. Do you guys think he's ok...we haven't heard from him in a while and he has been kind of depressed lately.

  10. I hope he's doing ok I've been thinking the same thing. If you're reading this HC then a post would be greatly appreciated so we know you're ok. And this isn't just because I want to see the update or AD3 although I am looking forward to them. At the risk of sounding corny I've been in a similar situation and hate to see someone suffering. It's understandably difficult but things really do get better. Your ex might be amazing but I can guarantee there are a lot of amazing women out there. Anyway hopefully you're doing well HC- hang in there!

  11. Don't beat yourself up man, you got your work and a lot of fans. that's more than many people can say

  12. Thanks for posting HC glad to hear you're ok
