Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29th's Progress

I took a bit of a misstep. Having a Birthday + a new video game release + an extremely depressing moment = Birthday Week (Birthweek??). A Birthday Week is something that's really happy and depressing at the same time. That and I got addicted to for awhile. So I drew something. It's not AD related. It's "artistic", which is weird because I haven't drawn anything artistic in the longest time. My goal is to take a real picture of this, that is, to make it a reality. I won't say what the picture is, because that's kind of embarrassing, but I'm excited about it.

No, it's not a picture of me bursting out of the letter O, with two wads of cash in both hands and wearing a top hat.

Back to work.

Got a text. Karaoke tonight. It's been two months. It was on B.U. Day 1. Best not to dwell on it. I need to look fahaaabulous tonight. Shave for once, because apparently it makes me look younger. (blinks rapidly) It shaves off a few years.

Got back from Karaoke.
I got drunk. Sobered up and drove home. I've got an aching headache. The night went a lot crazier then that, but I'm not at liberty to discuss it. I could pull one line from the night though.

"You can whack off to this if you want", he offered.

"No thanks, the other one was somewhat arousing but not this one," I replied.

1 comment:

  1. I've been following your blog for a while now and was meant to post on your last entry. Anyway. Wow! I've never heard of drawception before but I am liking it! Haha Some of the people that I've played with have made brilliant pictures! I haven't had a chance to guess the pictures though. Anyway, I'd really like to see the picture you drew! After seeing a lot of the pictures on drawception, your pictures shouldn't be too embarrassing. Anyway, kudos for mentioning it!
