Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 30th's Progress

It's funny because this blog has become less about the game and more about me. I apologize for that. I'm adding a little more to the new content. I decided to go back and animate one of these for you guys.

I'm talking to a new girl. We're like two trains that collided with one another. Some would argue that trainwrecks can be beautiful. I need to read more philosophy.

Lately, I've been stepping into people's lives and observing them. Not everyone desires safety. Some would argue that safety is a prison. Ashley is a bright, haunting star in the sky. No matter where I sail, her star will forever chase me and shine down to me. The sky is a constant that we're all offered in solace. Not everyone chooses to sail.


  1. I would recommend the '48 Laws of Power' by Robert Greene. I'm reading right now and it's about the different methods and ways in which we advance and succeed in life. I find it quite philosophical and it's for those who want power, observe power and or protect themselves against it.

  2. I'm sure it's the same for her. You can't help that kind of thing.
