Thursday, April 19, 2012


4:30-7 Woke up. I went straight to work on finalizing the lore and timeline. Any help looking over the timeline would be appreciated. I did leave out a few spoilers from this post.

Timeline of Events Prior to AD3

2038- SETI successfully analyzes an alien radio transmission and responds.

2052- SETI’s response took fourteen years to get to its destination, but the alien’s reply, using special warp technology only takes three days to arrive. A one month long transmission arrives, informing that Turellians are already on their way to greet us. The transmission contains primers of language, science, physics, and knowledge of further extraterrestrial life.
2056- Turellians arrive at Earth. The first Turellians are observers and question many of the humans. The Turellians criticize Humanity’s inability to unify itself as one nation as well as the effects of its anthropogeny. As a result, Humanity selects the UN Symbol as Earth’s Official Flag. The Turellians offers each individual human a universal translator. There is mass conspiracy regarding these chips, and while they do work as intended, the Turellians are not easily trusted. The Turellian captain addresses: Trust begets trust, and logically if the Turellians wanted to control Humanity, it could easily do so. The Turellian captain is troubled at Humanity’s divide, does Humanity even desire to be part of the Galactic Index?

2057- Mars is colonized, with the help of Turellians.

2058- Turellians make a deal to give faster than light technology to Earth for the following: Video games for all Turellians (particularly the ones where you destroy stuff) and on the condition that a few of the countries found detrimental to society (and possibly galactic society) be destroyed. Amidst multiple unsustainable crises (Energy, food, global warming), Earth agrees. As a result, the countries (rescinded), (rescinded), (rescinded), (rescinded), and China are destroyed.
2059- The destruction of the preselected countries is devastating and launches the Religion Crash, and subsequently the Last Religious War. Mass suicide and hatred as well as support for Turel ensues. A Turellian ship is destroyed. The Turel community is understanding however, and even unsurprised at Humanity’s reaction. Nevertheless, the Turellians and Human supporters quickly leave the Sol System while leaving behind a few Turel ambassadors, solutions to many of Earth’s problems, as well as new problems altogether.
2067- The first humans arrive at the Galactic System. (Hope I live that long to get there!)
2095- Humans are the first to find Iacchus, as well as other nearby systems. An effort is made to expand into the Pyral Nebula.

2100- The first planet in the Pyral Nebula, Zerna, is colonized and established as a base of operations.
2119- Colony ship and ISS leaves for Iacchus. The colony ship leaves without the ISS, as the ISS suffers midflight breakdown and undergoes repairs for two years.

2121- The ISS leaves for Iacchus from Zerna.
2123- Colony ship settles at Iacchus. Among the lead mineral surveyors there is a Dragon dressed up and acting as a man named Richard. The Aliens are quick to notice the settlers. The aliens hate the ground pounding of their planet, yet the Boss alien allows the settlement to observe.
2124- The boss alien captures a few humans. Richard notices this and documents it. He uploads this information, but is also captured by the aliens. The dragon community is informed of this, and decides to infiltrate.
2125 January 18th- The Iacchus Space Station arrives.

2125 January 26th- There’s an alien outbreak. The Captain relinquishes command to the Player (who is now Captain). By chain of command, the second officer Isabel is supposed to be in command but as per the captain’s wishes, the player is, due to Isabel’s inability to lead. The “first week” is chaotic. The initial survivors do many things including: form pockets of resistance which would eventually form the Player’s survivor group, suicide, attempt communication with the aliens, hide, shut access from key systems to prevent sabotage, horde resources.
Downed Systems: Communications Launch Bay, Fuel Injector. (Both systems are guarded by the Iacchans)
2125 January 28th- The Captain lies to his crew. He claims that the colony on Iacchus has already sent a distress call to the nearest civilized planet of Wester. Wester’s response team has already been in transit for two years, and will arrive in one to three months.
2125 February 1st- The Player starts his first day as Captain.
The Galactic System- Due to the difficult and costly nature of space travel, much of the Milky Way’s explored systems are sparsely populated. The real population lies in the Galactic System, a system with seven Goldilocks planets, enough to hold many diverse species under one “roof”. GS is very new, just established in 1634 AD. Humanity is split from those who’ve chosen to stay on Earth, and those who’ve migrated to this system. The ones who stayed behind got to enjoy their stayed material wealth and larger living rooms, while the ones who left were the explorers, the scientists, or just needed a fresh start.
Human Settlement in GS- The Alien society decides to give Humanity its own moon Kalacnardosvernsus (or Earth Two) to stay on. Half of the humans decide to settle on the populated city planet of Kradel instead. Humans start off in poverty, with all of our scientific research reduced to “grade school” reading. To make any real money, some humans decide to go into mining exploration…
The Zeros- The Galactic System contains a few Class 0 planets. Humans know little about these planets. They are not permitted to fly into that space or interact with the Class 0 planets in anyway. The Class 0 beings represent godlike creatures that supposedly live in a utopian society. One lowly being such as myself cannot begin to describe what this “master” race might do, so I simply put them in an inaccessible area. Still, the Zeros are necessary in order to explain the technological divide, when Humans are using Human tech ballistics and Zero tech space travel.

Tierel Corporation- This is the human owned corporation that funded the operation. They’re basically to blame for the harmless Electric Pistols that the ISS members use.
Weapons Technology ban- Earthlings are given strict limits on human weaponry. They may not use Race Zero’s weapons, reproduce them, research them, or work for companies that produce them. This is because of humanity’s destructive nature that gave them a Class 12 classification. As a result, while attachments to weaponry has advanced, the actual ballistics has not changed much from the 20th century.

Turel and Turellians- Turellians appear as four legged animals with horse/crocodile heads and make first contact with Humanity. Turellians are known to be somewhat indifferent to death and see it as an improvement to life as a means to natural selection. This is due to their system; whereas Earth has Jupiter to protect it from asteroids, Turel has no such protection. Life was cheap, and the destruction of these asteroids, destruction itself, became a basic instinct. They see the rest of the galaxy as very peaceful and boring, but enjoy video games for their abstract ways of simulating destruction while away from their home planet. The Zeroes have classified Turel as a Class 11 civilization, the minimum class needed to be able to make first contact with an Alien Species (us!).

How many Alien Species?? - One of the design challenges of creating an alien society for a hentai game is that the more aliens you have, the more diverse of a story you can have, but more aliens also takes away precious real estate for Female Humans. For instance we’d have to work on a Turellian character to fight alongside you, but you couldn’t have sex with it. I’d recommend we introduce these aliens whenever we actually need to have them in story.
“First Contact Procedure” aka The Prime Directive- In Star Trek, the Prime Directive prohibits the interaction of a pre-warp society. In Dark Planet, Turellian contact humanity simply based on Humanity’s desire and search for extraterrestrial life. As a result, Humanity is included in the Milky Way Galactic Index of Races, being included even before it ever reached Type 1 Civ on the Kardashev Scale on its own.
Iacchus- Reconnaissanced in 2100, the planet Iacchus was seen as having sparse alien life, but nothing remotely more intelligent than a dog. Iacchus is seen primarily for its deep pockets of gold.

Pyral Nebula- This nebula is where the planets Zerna, Iacchus, and Wester are. The planets are located in their own systems. Zerna is 15 light years away from Iacchus and is the base of operations for the mining expedition to the Pyral nebula. Wester is Iacchus’s primary emergency contact and is located just one light year away. The ISS launches from Zerna to Iacchus.

ISS (Iacchus Space Station)- The ISS is butterfly shaped and consists of two “wings” that make up the station, with the main body consisting of secondary functions and the engine. The wings may rotate along the torso to receive starlight, its primary source of energy. The engine itself is mainly fuel. The ISS accelerates to near light speed over a course of three years and then goes into warp by “skipping” across time space, similar to how a rock skips on the surface of water. When the ISS reaches Iacchus, the ISS only has half of its fuel left: Just enough for one return trip. The colony ship however, has no return trip. It has just enough fuel to land on the planet, and settles permanently.

Iacchus Colonization Financial Aid and Tax Break Act- ICFATBA….A horrible acronym! A lot of the richer aliens would love to see planets like Iacchus colonized, so as to open up mining operations and even tourism. As a result we use this as a plot device to bring in all sorts of people that aren’t exactly miners or essential station crew.

Space Travel- Space travel relies on warping, skipping on the fabric of space time- the most similar comparable sci-fi would be to Star Trek. The main difference is mass… in order for a spaceship to begin warp travel, it must first achieve near light speeds. The larger the craft, the more fuel the craft requires in order to get to light speed. Once near light speed is achieved, the ship is exploded and expands into photons that are able to achieve light speed since they no longer have mass. The explosion also creates an implosion effect, granting the ship negative mass during the implosion and going even faster than the speed of light by folding space. The ship “skips” because it reverberates from explode to implode, while this effect slows down the farther you go.

Space Skipping travels a vessel at many times the speed of light. Before going into space skip speed, the ship must get to a speed near the speed of light. During this time, any crewmembers onboard will usually choose to go into stasis, but few crew members will from time to time come out of stasis to see how the ship’s doing. If any maintenance was actually needed, he’d pull the others out of stasis.
FTL Communication- Communication uses light that’s sped up by space skipping. Light can instantly skip through space and get to its destination, not requiring the initial buildup of speed that objects with mass require before skipping.
Emergency Response- The nearest civilized planet, Wester, is in regular contact with the ISS. Small FTL capable vehicle/transmissions called Bullet Phones are sent weekly. If the ISS fails to contact the Wester, the WSS will be alerted to an emergency. The aliens counter this by falsely sending “We’re OK” signals to the WSS. Transmissions have a one week transit time.
The Survivors and life aboard the station- Survivors may eat Iacchans that aren’t in human form, as eating humans can give you the “shakes”. Iacchans will seal themselves into the station’s many rooms, but not all of them.
Wax- This noncombatant alien simply floods an entire room with itself. The wax hardens under the star, making rooms inaccessible. The wax also provides a place for the Iacchans to stay, when the station is under starlight. The wax will also hold eggs upright to release them into the station’s air.
Sonic Emitter- The survivors have a sonic emitter, able to produce inaudible waves that penetrate Iacchus wax and leave nearby aliens defenseless from the Iacchus star. Any room adjacent to the occupied room will be useable for the day. The sonic emitter also clears the path for the next area the survivors would run to.
Outside Survivors- It’s discovered that living apart from the main group is entirely possible. Anyone that is split from the group simply needs to hide during the night, as to which the station provides many places to hide. The person likely cannot stay in the same place either, as the aliens migrate nightly. If the survivor is found by an Iacchan, the survivor needs to kill it in order to maintain stealth. While it’s entirely possible that our survivors all hide themselves, they choose not to as A)It’s hard to hide a large group, B) Maintaining a defensive presence distracts most of the Iacchans away from the other outside survivors. Any outside survivor also needs to learn how to properly eat the Iacchans by proper cooking techniques and avoiding eating the Zombie type altogether (except as a last resort).
Outside survivors are also split from the main group, as the alien wax walls are likely to surround our survivors day AND night.

The Aliens “Iacchans”-
Iacchans are, at their base form, a symbiotic species able to adapt and quickly mutate any extra-species they encounter. Iacchans are not able to survive under pressure from the sun, and must migrate with the dark. Iacchans are microscopic in size. They are inhaled and then asexually reproduce inside the host’s body. One’s immune system is quite capable of stopping the Iacchans, but can be overpowered by enough of them. At this point, the Iacchans collectively control the subject. Iacchans complete the reproduction cycle after the death of the host.
Iacchans consume the host’s body for nutrients and become moldy, sticky eggs. These eggs will then either be released by the natural decay of the host, or by an outside influence such as an “adult” Iacchan. The eggs slowly melt in the open atmosphere with a distinct odor. This moist air carries liquid droplets, which carries the microscopic Iacchans, and the cycle continues.
Iacchans have a hive mind. Each Iacchan forms just one cell of the bigger brain. The Iacchans themselves are controlled by an Iacchan Queen. While separating the Queen’s control to each cell is possible, this also means that the Iacchans will collectively die.
Iacchans have learned to master and evolve with other indigenous life forms of Iacchus. Their subspecies are named by our characters.

The most common form of Iacchan we’ll find on the space station. The symbiotic Iacchans have very little experience with the human body and therefore are unable to control their hosts very well. No indigenous life form on Iacchus ever had fingers, and as a result, wielding human weaponry is out of the question….for now. The survivors will encounter the zombies more than any other species. Zombies can be taken out with any weapon, but survivors will prefer to use the pistol, as it’s the most readily available weapon, and save other weapons for other species. Zombies aren’t eaten by our Survivors, as such cannibalism carries disease unrelated to the Iacchans.

Bats are small yet agile creatures able to avoid sluggish pistol fire. It’s recommended to use Submachine Guns on them.

Zombie Kid
A more disturbing evolution of the zombies. The first misconception the survivors make is that the zombies are “dead”. Far from it, the zombies are actually reproducing, which accounts for all the missing women. The women are kept far away from the battlefield and quickly birthing babies for war.

Dinochan- The largest alien, Dinochans are slow beasts. Dinochans originate from a species on Iacchus that cannot outrun the star, so they instead adapt to hibernate in the starlight. Because of this, Iacchans will often take shelter among these beasts. Use sniper rifles!

Iacchan Queen-
The Queen is a wise and very old being. She takes the form of a female “zombie”, therefore being known as the Queen. The Queen is distinct for being the last of her kind, a fragile egg that must be manually planted into the host rather than breathed into or microscopic. Because of this egg form, she’s able to retain memories and even command the Iacchans.
Wax- This noncombatant alien simply floods an entire room with itself. The wax hardens under the star, making rooms inaccessible. The wax also provides a place for the Iacchans to stay, when the station is under starlight. The wax will also hold eggs upright to release them into the atmosphere.
The wax and sonic emitter are always at odds. The sonic emitter completely kills the wax within a one room radius, but it also comes with an extension of smaller sonic emitters. The smaller emitters are used to make a path to a new area (preferably the next area when you need to migrate.)


  1. What year are the super fuckable robot chicks invented?

    1. 2017. We already have walking robots, fleshlights, and plastic love dolls. Hell, we already have fuckmachines. (I do believe a fuck machine qualifies as a super fuckable robot dude.)

      The consumer demand is there, and some rich guy will probably get one by 2015, and it'll probably be available to the masses by 2020. And you betcha it'll be made by Japan.

      As far as AD3 is concerned, highly advanced sexbots will probably be made in 2067...the year Humans arrive in the Galactic System. I'd imagine it's one of the first things they'd want to do when they get there.
