Thursday, December 12, 2013


8:30a0- Woke up, poor sleep.
9:30a1- Ate meal. Gonna work for a few hours and go back to sleep, hopefully.
10:30a2- Ate some more. Cleaned up a bit.
11:30a3- Worked on captainGunPose. Worked on larissaBikini. (sigh) My friend told me he looks like a lesbian. He looks kind of like Bobby Hill saying "I don't know you!"... (sigh). It's always the same. Can't draw men. I have no idea if a female would find him attractive. What's the point then? The point is to try. At least the gun looks nice!
Difficulty 3/10 Efficiency 9/10
12:30p4- Worked on larissaBikini.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 9/10
1:30p5- Hoo boy...The old bunny can't keep going and going y'know. Worked on larissaBikini
Difficulty 6/10 Efficiency 7/10

Report: After a week of not playing video games, I decided to play a game for an hour. The hour turned into a whole day. I didn't even get any exercise. I just hid in the HenCave, playing along while the video game's arbitrary leveling limits made me feel like a "winner". What can I take from this? The concept of "Moderation is Key" is all but lost on me. I've learned to savor the feeling of accomplishment after a hard day's work, but I need to learn to dread the feeling of an entirely wasted day. Grade F. (That's 2 F's this month.)


  1. I'm sorry but I gotta agree with your friend. I think changing the hair a little would help. Like, maybe to the other captain's hair?
    Your game contains mostly female characters. I believe that more masculine traits applied to the one major male character would go a long way towards defining him.
    Nevertheless, I for one happen to be playing these games for all the OTHER characters. In the end the right look for the captain simply ends up being a comfort to viewers by "meeting the audience's expectations," and less a necessity. I feel like you aren't balancing between looks people like and dislike so much as what some people like and what the rest are indifferent to.

  2. I'm glad the way he looks is inciting discussion at least. By "discussion", I don't mean that in the "comment, rate, subscribe" kind of commercialism shit.

    I think he's attractive to women. I mean, I guess. I hope. I didn't want to make him more masculine (like more Arnoldy) because that's not what girls are mainly into. Is my effort on making an attractive Captain a ploy to expand an addressable consumer base at the expense of the returning audience?

    No, because it's easy to assume that we're not getting any female customers from this. I mean, it might happen miraculously but I'm not counting on it. But what if I made him attractive for women...for men? It's not something to fap to... it's just something to think about: that HC so desperately wanted to please just a few women playing the game. How would the male player feel? Would he be outraged that this character meant for females was entering his male fantasy? I'm not actually trying to piss anyone off here.

    The Captain's a tall guy. Height in a man is a shallow factor that many females enjoy. So the Captain is just drawn to please. He's tall, not too masculine, sharp dressed... Hmm. What would the female equivalent of the Captain be? If the male Captain is really tall, then wouldn't the female Captain have really big tits?

    But that's just one train of thought. Maybe it'll make people angry. Maybe it'll make people think I'm a bisexual. Maybe he's made to be attractive to make the story a little more believable. Maybe some girl out there will say that she loves the game, even though it was made for males in mind.

    The Captain is supposed to uphold an ideal of sexual equality. After that, I have no idea. It's only half the statement, and it would be up to the viewer to fill the other half.

  3. The captain looks feminne because of his curved jawline. This makes his face look narrow, and his eyes and nose are all pointed features. Try a larger nose, square chin, and a jaw line that drops from the ear before turning to the chin.
    While the hair might be seen a lesbian-ish... that's because it's boy-ish. Men (read, non douchebag adult males) don't wear their hair like that.
    Pick a reference. Even a celebrity, or combination of a few. Michael Fassbender... Clive Owen, Ewan McGregor, etc.
