Sunday, December 29, 2013


11a0- Resuming operations..
12p1- Woke up, performed morning procedures.
1p2- Ate.
2p3- Played an hour of games. Now to work.
3p4- Slow start, organizing stuff...
Difficulty 3/10 Efficiency 5/10
4p5- Worked on Veronica's story, took a shower to think it over on a difficult part of the story.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 8/10
5p6- Worked on Veronica's story. Fixed a large plothole that I've been mulling over for awhile. I take a lot of pride in fixing my plotholes.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 10/10
6p7- Worked on story.
Difficulty 6/10 Efficiency 10/10
7p8- Worked on Larissa's story.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 10/10
8p9- Worked on Larissa's story.
Difficulty 8/10 Efficiency 10/10
9p10- Worked on Larissa's story.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 10/10
11p12- Played games for two hours, ate.
12a13- Directed animator. Worked a little bit on Terra's story.
Difficulty 6/10 Efficiency 5/10
1a14- Worked on Terra's story.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 5/10
2a15- Internetted.

Report: Today went well enough. I fixed a lot of problems or things I wasn't satisfied with. I could be filling these blog reports with actual story, but it just seems to clutter the blog up. Most of the work will be concentrated on story for now. Grade A.


  1. Hey man, great to see work is continuing on this project. Still set for a February release?

    1. The earliest it can come out is late February.

    2. From March to September is a safe estimate to give.

    3. God speed you hentai genius.

  2. Hope that you are doing okay. I saw that someone died, on my birthday no less. Good luck.

    1. It's no big deal, the man that died was close to my parents. I didn't know him very well at all, but I do owe him a sushi dinner. Everybody gathered to his funeral from across the lands, so I took some time out to show my friend around town.

  3. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE! Hentai Gods be with you.
