Wednesday, December 4, 2013


1p0- Woke up.
3p2- Ate a huge meal. Watched the People vs George Lucas documentary. Greedo shot first, not Han. If that makes Han into kind of a pussy, because he turns from a dangerous smuggler who kills without remorse into an Ewok loving smuggler that shot Greedo only in self defense, so be it. It's Lucas's right as an American to change his work as he sees fit. Just an opinion.
4p3- Cleaned up. Did some waking up stuff.

5p4- Worked on the restaurant scene. It's taking me a lot longer than expected to make a fast food joint... In the scene,  I drew a poster that says "5 Tacos for 5 Starbucks". Who cares? What a dumb poster. I think of it as a good reality check. This restaurant is just devoid of artistic expression. Now I'm not saying I'm approaching a sort of artist's block here, as I haven't stopped drawing... but it's certainly a "paint by the numbers" space food joint.

Should I work on every part of the game in equal detail, or do I selectively skip over some of the boring parts and work more on others? 

Maybe I should get creative. Maybe I should make some sort of mascot for this restaurant. Just throwing it out for shits and giggles, maybe Ronald McDonald's actually an alien, and there are a bunch of Ronald Aliens that are renown chefs throughout the galaxy.

But would it help immerse the player into the setting? I mean look at that chair on the right. Lifeless. Unspacey.

On the other hand, I really want to finish this game. I don't have unlimited time to make the game. Some parts of the game are parts I won't compromise on, like the guns. I did a good amount of research into them, so they look cool and feel cool to shoot.

I definitely have to choose what to focus on. A writer can write as little or as much as he pleases to fill a world its important details. He could simply write "You walk into the run down fast food joint and see cardboard Ronald Alien cutouts on display". Visual art tends to be more thorough, as there are expectations that the viewers have.

Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 7/10

6p5- Worked on backgroundRestaurant.
Difficulty 4/10 Efficiency 9/10

7p6- Worked on backgroundRestaurant.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 9/10

8p7- Trying to speed things up with this background.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 10/10

9p8- Worked on carmenGunPose. Stopped working on restaurantBackground, I'm alert today so i'll switch to a more difficult task.
Difficulty 8/10 Efficiency 10/10

10p9- Working on carmenGunPose. All that's left is coloring, so I will save it for another time.
Difficulty 6/10 Efficiency 10/10

11p10- Worked on backgroundLockerRooms.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 10/10

12p11- Worked more on that. Boy, it sure looks boring.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 10/10

Worked some, ate some.

This is the most atrocious background. At least it's not done yet.

This was also atrocious from AD1

So I remade it for AD2. Of course, only the Neoflatists appreciated it.

Sure, there's lots of stuff I can add to that locker room. Open a locker, knock one over, put some duffel bags in, add a back wall, few soda cans lying about, and a bunch of alien wax... But for now, I'd rather not look at the damn thing. I'll switch to something else.
Difficulty 3/10 Efficiency 5/10

2a13- Worked on CarmenGunPose. Checked over animator's work, it looks pretty good. I'm pleased to have an animator like him.
Difficulty 3/10 Efficiency 10/10

3a14- Helped out animator for a bit. Computer went bonkers for 30 minutes. Time to backup files.

Did some file maintenance. I'll need to look into get this computer fan looked at, it's making a very loud buzzing sound and I suspect the fan is either not functioning or out of alignment. Oddly, placing my foot on the computer stops the noise.

Look! Hentai. It's not from me though, it's from the animator. It's a work in progress, and I am still in charge of most of the animations.

Report: It is good that I managed to recover from yesterday's failure. Today was difficult. I felt very refreshed so I took on the more harder tasks today. Grade S.


  1. Do you realize how many backers you just lost by claiming Han didn't shoot first?! Now you have to draw some sort of rule 63 of Greedo showing Han with premature ejaculation issues. It's the only way to appease your fans and retain your image of Han Solo, Galactic Pussy.

    1. You don't have to like a creator to enjoy his works. At least as long as he's not a scientologist, heh.

      I think a creator or any artist *should* listen to feedback, and criticism makes a good creator, but a creator has a right to create his own way.

      If I was in Lucas's shoes though, I STILL think Greedo should shoot first. I mean, Greedo's a pussy. Look at Han. Oh sure, he's badass, he's got this tough guy image to retain, but he's still a nice guy in the end. He helps Luke. He risks his life to help destroy the Death Star. He even raises a freaking family. Knowing how Han's character progresses throughout the trilogy, I don't think Han even wants to shoot Greedo. He wants Greedo to get out of the game, he wants Greedo to stop working for criminals like Jabba the Hutt, and he wants him to live a good life; one that Han never had as a youth.

  2. More tits, less ambiance.

    1. thank you. this is an excellent point. i love the story and time that you are putting into the game and not just a "meetnfuck"

  3. If you want to make it interesting, make it a boob-themed restaurant. The hamburger buns have cherry tomatoes on top to make them look like boobs & nipples. The girls all wear boob hats. And their uniforms have open boobs.

    1. You should remind your left hand not to visit this blog at 2:30 in the morning. Points for creativity on the tomato nips though.

      I swear, this anonymous is the same guy that's been browsing this blog and posting all these "you should make the girls do this naughty so and so" all the time.

      This anon would make a cool character, he'd be the network executive back on Earth. He'd propose such things to the Captain like "open boob uniform", and the Captain would say "Uhh.. I'll see if the girls are up to it, they're welcome to do it if they want".

      I've had this game over scenario in my mind. You see, you lose the game by losing too many viewers for your show. So naturally if the survivors couldn't get enough viewers, they'd have to resort to turning their show into porn in order to...survive. It makes sense, although it wouldn't be much of a game at that point.
