Friday, December 13, 2013


1p0- Woke up.
2p1- Ate. Internetted.
3p2- Ate some more, did some waking up stuff.
4p3- Ate even more... (I didn't have dinner last night). Stuffed.
5:30p3- Carbs made me tired, so slept. Didn't have much sleep last night. Woke up from a long nap. What can I say, a whole day's gaming marathon has really taken its toll on me.
6p4- Internetted for half an hour. Ate a banana.
7p5- Finally got some work in with larissaBikini. Discussed stuff with programmer.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 5/10
8p6- Cleaned up room a little. Experienced problems focusing.
Difficulty 6/10 Efficiency 4/7
11p9- Ran, exercised for 1h 30m. Ate. Worked on larissaBikini for half an hour.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 5/5
12a10- Worked on backgroundRestaurant. Took a shower. Just sluggin by today.
Difficulty 7/10 Efficiency 4/7
1a11- Hung out with friend for an hour. Can't concentrate.
2a12- Went out to get some authentic Mexican cuisine with friend.
4a14- Went to sleep after not getting any work in.

Report: This day also sucked. I got a little bit of work in, and I ate a lot of food. The effort to work was there, but I just couldn't concentrate or make any good decisions. I did at least exercise and recover from the previous day's gaming binge, and I learned that taking any naps is likely to be detrimental. From now on, no more naps. Never. If I'm tired, I'll shorten a day, but never nap again. All said, not nearly enough progress. Grade F.

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