Wednesday, December 25, 2013


9a0: Merry Christmas. Woke up. Commencing family jovial procedures.
12p3- Went to family outing. Watched Digknee's new movie, Frozen. It's got two princesses, dashing men, and wholesome morals: Be a princess, and don't ever let your maids and butlers have any screen time. Always get what you want, and always be cute. I can't wait to make the DLC character, Ella Digknee (name subject to change).
2p5- Ate a big meal.
5p5- Woke up after a nice long second sleep. Total of the two sleeps comes out to 8 hours.
6p6- Worked a little bit on profiles. Ate a lot of candy...Hmm... Prepared for exercise.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 2/10
7p7- Exercised.
8p8- Exercised.
9p9- Ate. Hung out with sister. Watched some of 2001 Space Odyssey with her.
10p10- Watched more 2001. Worked on profiles for a little bit.
Difficulty 5/10 Efficiency 2/5
11p11- Worked on profiles. Man I'm tired...
Difficulty 3/10 Efficiency 2/10
Report: I was supposed to stay up another 5 hours and work, but I was too tired. Got exercise, hung out with the family, and barely got an hour's worth of work in. Ah well. Grade X, for X-mas or eXcused absence.