Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/20 Decaffelon Day 4

1p0: Woke up to faulty fire alarm. Attempts to go back to sleep after only getting 4 hours...thwarted by the same fire alarm. Battery removed.

It has now become apparent that the caffeine withdrawal symptoms are being observed... after much reluctance to admit that it is so. I'm irritable, mood swingy, and have difficulty concentrating; I'd suspect if I was not going through detox my mood would at least have improved if not for the good results of my efforts.

Whereas before detox, I was able to play video games responsibly and keep the gaming to a minimum, I now see the games as a threat. I'd conjure thoughts that if I would play one hour, I would suddenly go into relapse.

I'll try sleeping again.

2p1: Ate cereal, internetted before getting back to sleep.

5:30p1: Woke up. Let's get retarded in here.
6p2: Internetted.
7p3: Ate.
8p4: Worked a bit on StellaGunPose
9p5: Friend came over, working still.
10p6: Worked some more on stella, not much though. Time for a run.
11p7: Ran in the cold rain for ~40 minutes. A few exercises after that.
12a8: Did more exercises, Ate a big meal.
12:40a: Finished the meal, watched some TV, and fell asleep.

Self Assessment
Productive but not-AD3 related tasks- 4 h
AD3 work- 2.5h
Laziness- 2h.

This day was irregular in that it lasted only for 8.5 hours, speculatively caused by two factors: Caffeine detox and staying up for 19 hours yesterday. Working on AD3 with no regard to myself for the past few days was going to take its toll soon enough. Short days are always easy though. B.