Saturday, November 9, 2013


11a0- Woke up. Performed internetation for 30 mins in attempts to fall back asleep, exposing self to unacceptable levels of cathode radiation before hibernation.

1:40p0- Woke up again. 7 h of sleep spread out over 12. I'll take it.

3p1- Ate.

4p2- Finished the hearty meal. Experiencing constipation which has significantly decreased since yesterday. No bananas are in stock to elevate fiber levels. Will purchase on the next jog. My stomach feels like a gas giant, and I am regretful to have to explain these flatulence problems to the reader. This is turning into a life blog, so the good and the bad should be displayed.

5p3- Worked very little on Olga, but mostly internetted. Must improve concentration. Might have to disconnect or change activity if problems persist.

6p4- Good progress. Went over the narrative programming with Will, it should make story entry seamless and painless... unlike AD2, which there was so much badly programmed story, I ran out of frames to work with. I remember the number was about 16000 frames. Working around it was hell.

7p5- Working well on Olga. Yes, that damn old olga file. Progress on it was slow the other day, so it was a good idea to revisit it when I was feeling more refreshed...

8p6- Managed to finish the last frame of Olga, and I will work on the inbetweens, which is an easier job.

9p7- Doing simple line work on Captain, watching a movie, discussing dating sim framework with Will, forgetting to post.

10p8- Still workin.

CaptainV1 versus CaptainV2
Any persons sexually oriented towards males are welcome to opine on which version they prefer.


Ass change. Not sure.
12p10- Worked on Olga for a little. I'm going to update kickstarter and offbeatr tonight if I remember, and it'll just be a heads up that I'm still working on the game. 

1a11- Working on Olga, quite efficiently. Did not want to stop. Not enough time in the day to finish everything I want. Alas, the health benefits of exercising 7 hours a week and health hindrances of sitting on my ass are always at odds with one another.

1:40- Worked on Olga, neti potted, found keys, departed from home to jog, if I die, tell the cops I was just trying to buy a banana

3a13- Jogged for 35min for 2.4miles at 4mph, took a 7m break in the jog to purchase and consume a banana and snickers. Experiencing slight eye discomfort, probably from adjusting from very far sight outside (there was nobody), to arm's length monitor viewing distance. Took a shower.

4a14- Ate. Dragging my eyes across the screen here, I'm pretty beat.

5a15- Worked on updating the three websites- hentaicook, offbeatr, and kickstarter. Made a neat splash image. Took out some old and embarrassingly outdated information from

6a16- Finished updating the sites. Wrote a little bit of Zoe's story. Bed.

Self Assessment Grade- A. Apart from the hours 5p and 4a, I maintained a very high level of concentration on my work throughout the day. There was a lot of challenging work involving Olga, but I did manage to strike a good balance of hard and easy work throughout the day so that I was always effective. To improve next time, I think I can start jogging at around 3h after waking because I'm seeing a trend where that's when I tend to be really lazy. No video games today, and my coca cola addiction was kept in check. That's progress. 


  1. I like Captain V2. He seems friendlier.

    1. Please state your orientation so I may better understand.

    2. Well, unfortunately I am male and straight. But from the men I've observed in real life and that are known to be popular amongst the girls - where girls have openly admitted their attraction to them - I can reasonably conclude that all those men are the types that are friendlier and likable, the types you just want to have a glass with at the bar. Captain V2 just seems to emit that characteristic more than Captain V1 while still maintaining that stoutness and sternness as a leader.

  2. V2, but it's not out of what's attractive - I like the androgynous/boyish look in general - it's just because that version is drawn more as a character, than a protagonist you should identify yourself with.

    So I guess I agree with above.

    bi male.

  3. Straight, and I think V2 is better.

  4. I like V1 better. I feel that V2 has less of the air of a leader and is just a bit too effeminate especially in a game with mostly female characters. Captain V1 looks like a more capable captain.
    Male, bi.

    1. I mean, neither is a grizzled cowboy. Just saying I like the look that makes him look a bit more distinct.
