Tuesday, November 5, 2013


10:40- Woke up. Got a full night's rest, so I'm feeling much more able today.
11a0- Talked to Will, grabbed his files
12p1- Ate Eggs over Chow Mein (gasp hentaicook's asian), continued watching Forbidden Planet, Added a background to CarmenRoto..
1p2- Restless nap for an hour.
2p3- Mostly just internetted
3p4- Barely working, gotta pick it up here.
4p5- Working slowly, but made some progress. I need to refresh myself, perhaps I'll work better.
5p6- Took a shower, worked on story for a little to change things up here.
6p7- Working on ElaineGunPose


  1. My excitement for your game: http://i.imgur.com/A8hJs2w.gif

    Also may I request a sneak preview? One of your commercials for the Dark Planet possibly? :>

    1. Sorry, no sneak previews unless you're like the press or something, hehe.

      Thank you for your interest however.
