Sunday, November 3, 2013


The point of this blog A) For people to know that I am still working on it, and every hour I work on it shows that I do intend to finish B) To push myself to work more consistently through good ol' negative reinforcement.

Stress levels are high. This is due to a variety of factors. It's said that sleeping is suppose to clear up the toxins of the mind. When I woke, I could only think of all the nitpicky things that went wrong last night. Some nitpicky... some worse.

Roommate's aunt came over. Roommate was probably not in her room... we couldn't figure it out. But this aunt was explosively charming. Like the Genie from Disney's Aladdin, trying to get into Aladdin's room. Even brought her breakfast. She had graying hair, a missing incisor tooth, and a child (eugh), but she was still pretty hot. She even brought my roommate some McD breakfast, and when my roommate failed to produce herself, the aunt gave me the breakfast. It looks like a $6 breakfast. I accept.

Okay. Work for a few hours, then get some sleep if I still feel tired.

1p1: Eugh.. Ate, and then slept for 3 hours. Which means I slept for 10 hours. The good thing about making hentai games is that I can sleep on a need-to-sleep basis. But the past few days I've noted that I'm sleeping longer, even though I usually only require 8 hours..

Oh yeah, someone asked me if AD3 is coming to Wii U.  I told him as soon as Nintendo allows adult content on their consoles, I'll make sure to have my agent talk to them.

So last night, I cancelled my midnight run because I lost my license card. If a cop questioned me, it would have been bad news. I remember I left it at the store, and I just called them up and they told me they have it.

2p2 Cleaned room for an hour.

3p3- Cleaned a little more, ate a little, Got back home from getting ID card from cvs, working.

4p4- Working on OlgaGunPose

5p5- Will probably finish olgagunpose by tonight.

6p6- Working on OlgaGunPose

7p7- Grabbed a slurpee. Working on OlgaGunPose

8p8- Definitely finishing olga by tonight.

Definitely one of my favs. I closed the torso into the pelvis a little more, perhaps the distance is acceptable now.

Worked on Terra's Sprite. Played a few matches of SF Third Strike

Terra with Anti-Horgosian Marksman Rifle
Pics like this make me proud to distinguish this game as a special hentai game.

Working on CarmenGunpose

1a13- Working

2a14- Working

3a15- Sidetracked by the internet, and then more working. Yawning profusely. Just one more hour... Yeah Olga's buttcheek is a little too big back there...

Yesterday was stressful, but today I hung in there. There's going to be lots of stressful days ahead, and I've come long to accept that. Tireless work hours known as "crunch time" are common in the game dev industry. It comes with the territory. Spare me the sorrow as I'm very proud to be able to make this game...It's gonna be a big one.

I give today's work a B. I solved a few problems that were really stressing me out around the house. I might've got sidetracked a little more than I should have, but otherwise, the burning passion was there the whole time.


  1. Keep up that momentum. Whatever happened to that hot lady with the kid who brought your roommate breakfast?

    1. I dunno, probably getting the other incisor beaten out of her by an abusive husband?

      Sometime after AD2 I went on this dating rampage. My experience with dating sims did not help. Right now, I don't really care about forming any relationships. That's on the backburner 'til AD3's finished.
